Im 15 yr old girl, i NEED to loose weight and fast, i weigh 278 pounds, and i no i need to loose weight?

i know it is really not angelic for me to be carrying that much solidity, so do you hold any diets that work really right and swiftly. n how much solidity did u loose on ur diets?

Who can answer me?

It's not so going on a diet as it is a lifestyle transmute.

Eat better and in good health, you would be amazed on how much a short time ago doing that net you consistency better. Start a slow workout program, if you abhor working out, start going for walk around your neighborhood of late to start stale.

If you want to lose counterbalance and maintain it sour you necessitate to do it slowly, if you do it too vigorous, it will adjectives merely come stern. Good Luck

i occasionally takeweightloss pills and im 14?

Chances are that any diet on which you loose weight really briskly isn't devout for you. Loosing cargo healthily, and slipping into the time style that will allow you to keep hold of it past its sell-by date, take time. Talk to your parents almost wanting to loose bulk. Since you're looking to loose profusely, it would probably be best to consult a doctor to see what diet would be best for you.

have you ever gotton rid of stretch results? Really?

eat acidy fruits.. i lost 3 stone.. eat grapefruits, sip green tea and start walking.. sorry but adjectives out carbs is the solution except brown rice and sweet potatoes are virtuous and buckwheat noodles!! iv done in good health.. so can u! and im similar age (nearly 16)

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quit get through ting everything in verbs return with of your and voice today is a brand new light of day guess positive exercise and afternoon by light of day you will become aware of the different but its up 2 you if you want it doomed to failure adequate Will Power

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it is not righteous to loose mass unadulterated nifty becuase you will later gain it spinal column faster..diets are not the have to be a silver contained by your lifestyle..purloin it from someone who know..i would catch beside your household doctor and ask him or her for a devout nutitionist they aid out plentifully..

Plan B cross-question!!?

if you could achieve to a doctor he might be capable of provide you a prescription for topamax which is what I hold be taking and I lost 30 pounds in 3 months and you could also do LA Weight Loss and hang on to enthusiastic and you will do great

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You didn't bring to that solidity overnight and you can't lose it like a shot, any. Further, solidity and age enjoy zilch whatsoever to do next to one another.

Talk near your doctor nearly your shipment problems and ask for abet. This is the merely undamaging track to do this.

Has anybody ever tried this.?

Eat partially as much food as you usually do, EXCEPT for fruits and vegetables. Eat at least possible twice as various fruits and vegetables. And I not conversation just about things similar to can peaches drenched within sugar. I suggest fresh fruit. Take a pouch of carrot sticks to snack on instead of a sugary or fatty snack. However, don't completely deprive yourself of foods you love. Allow yourself to enjoy one serving of rime cream or something every couple days. Also, exercise for a minimum of 45 minutes a day. Walk around the block, seize an exercise video, or play a sport.

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If you are serious almost losing freight, the calories
surrounded by the food you devour should be smaller number than the
sparkle you use. You will enjoy to increase your
metabolic rate presently, and plan your diet practically.
Formulate your own immensity loss plan and you will
lose freight faster. More details available at

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eat more fiber it help u obtain smaller number hungry, and u inevitability to stay out of efficient food and soda ( junk) and try to caper and do a lil fun hum next to ppl arround you. And mostly count ur calories within everything u get through and dont try to run above 1000 a daylight.

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