I inevitability to shave my legs.

I'm starting to shower every day, but I didn't used to, and my mom didn't want me to shave my legs. But they're really hairy, and it's bugging me. How do I notify my mom I'm going to start showering daily and want to shave? Whenever I try I freak and am just approaching
So it doesn't really get my point across.
By the way, I'm thirteen and a girl.

Answers:    CONGRATS you shower everyday!?

but jus sit here down and say-so:

"hey mom we need to talk...
I really have a feeling that my legs are hairy compared to the other girls at school and it make me uncomfortable... and i would really like to shave... if you wont tolerate me shave could I atleast use nair or something like that???? " that should work..
Write her a note and say-so that a lot of girls your age shave your legs. Explain that you think it is unsanitary to enjoy hair on your armpits because it will get germs and it will be humilitating to wear sleeveless clothing. Say that a lot of girls make fun of you for not shaving and give the name you chubaca, you can make stuff up. Say you'll be really careful.

About the shower
Say that within your school handbook it say under hygene that they require you to have kempt quill and to bathe daily to maintain proper hygene. Say that you get sweaty and you feel self-conscious not showering every day..
Well I was sooooo frantic to tell her that I wanted to start shaving too. I am younger than you and I started shaving my legs when I be 11. I felt very mortified around the other girls because I was one of the only ones who didn't shave my legs but.
I would just talk to your mom roughly it straight out. You should just tell her why you want to shave them. If others girls contained by your class shave their legs and you feel uncomfortable explain to her that. Don't get mad if she is dissappointed surrounded by you. Just tell her it is a decision you want to receive and talk to her about it. But be honest next to her. I think you should tell your mom also because I come up with It is very important to mothers. I hope this help and I hope you get your point across. Good Luck!! :D I started shaving my legs when I was just about 10 or 11. Actually, it was 10 because I started shaving my legs before I get my period...and I got my interval when I was 11. Just explain to your mom that its very discomfited and embarassing to you and you really want to shave your legs. Once you hit puberty, you really should start shaving your legs.

It completely normal that you would want to when you're thirteen, and it's also normal that it's awkward. Just try your best to work up the courage. If you can't later go with her when she go grocery shopping, and when you go to buy toothpaste or soap, say "oh, i a moment ago remembered, can we get me a razor, cuz my legs are bothering me.". im thirteen too, i started shaving when i begin 6th grade.
Youre mom should understand, merely tell her that it bothers you and you want to have smooth legs and by 13 you should be allowed. My mom be alittle iffy about it when i was 10-11, but since i really required to she let me. If you're mom doesn't allow it, I suggest asking her about nair or veet (cream used to remove spike without a blade), or waxing.
Just explain your situation to you mom. I'm assuming your contained by middle school, and most girls are shaving their legs by then. Just explain to her that it's embarrassing and the hair on your legs within uncomfortable. If you talk to her, she'll usually inform let you, or she'll come around eventually. just report her you cant wear shorts or skirts or a dress because if you wear it everyones gonna see your hairy legs and thats embarassing, hopefully she;ll understnad and let you shave. when i first started shaving my mom didnt trust me near a razor (lol) so she got me veet and it be pretty good. .
firstly, your thirteen, so make that clear to your mom.
i started shaving when i be 11.
when i had to tell my mom,
i be like sitting near her and i be like ew, i hate how my legs are dishevelled.
and my mom was just close to want to shave them?
so it was all angelic.
ahah, maybe hinting will work.
good luck!.
buy your own cut-throat, barrow yours moms or a sisters, and do it without permission. i know it sounds desperate but i did it and so did all my friends then any wait till your older and shell permit you or she might realize that u stopped asking and shell let you. Tell your mom that you are uncomfortable beside the hair on your legs. Perhaps the thought of you in the shower beside a sharp object scares her. They enjoy Veet Mouse and no razors are involved. Maybe she will go for that. .
yeah you should plainly be shaving. I'm guessing you're in middle school so recount your mom you're growing up and it's time to get you a razor and some shaving cream..you're clearly not too young. i started shaving wen i was around ur age..i be almost 14..nd me nd my mom were at the store and we passed by razors nd i be like..
'um mom can i start shaving?' i was S0000 edgy

but luckly she said yes!.
just ask her i had impossible to tell apart problem with my mom i was to embarrased i of late started shaving a month ago go for it! just do it!.
do it by urself
and hope for the best I showed my mom my legs and she be like, "wow those are harry!" So she showed me how to do it.

:) Good luck. .
u dont shower daily? how tons times do u shower a week then just curious lol and only just shave em she wont rely notice. i think u should freshly do it u shouldnt have to tell her...
your somewhat girl, wait until you turn 16 to start shaving. meanwhile wear keep wearing patns

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