Birth control advice!?

when is the worst time of month for a woman to own sex if she does not want to catch pregnant...

would 2 weeks after your time be safe and sound?

no dumb answers please..

condoms are one used...
i am other anxious roughly speaking that 1% of a condom packed up correctly.

am i pretty locked by using a condom no thing what time of month it is?

very exceptional period please relieve?

Condoms are a banister method and equally forceful any time of your cycle. You are unlikely to become pregnant if you use a condom correctly 100% of the time you hold sex. (This manner putting it on correctly up to that time any sort of genital contact take place.)
HOWEVER - as you hold mentioned at hand is a small downfall rate associated beside condom use.
An oral contraceptive (the pill) have a lower disappointment rate (when taken correctly) and using the two methods together is other a virtuous view, but still not fool proof.

While it is unlikely that you will capture pregnant if you use a condom, it is possible. Abstinence (no vaginal intercourse) is the singular 100% impressive birth control. If you are really intensely worried in the region of becoming pregnant and know that you are unsuspecting to concordat next to a pregnancy you may want to suppose something like whether or not you are comfortable have sex.

I would suggest getting an Rx for the pill AND using condoms for the most peace of mind when it comes to avoiding unwanted pregnancy.

will it hurt??

I am not %100 sure on when the safest time is so I'm not gonna grant you the wrong answer. But you should use some other form of bc too. Jussst contained by suitcase. Believe me it's easier than it sounds for something to shift wrong beside those darn condoms! Experience..but luckily I filch the pill too,.

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On a everyday cycle you ovulate 14 days former the first hours of daylight of your second spell. It is bloody but some women ovulate at different times.

Condoms are a right choice.....but if you really don't want to bring pregnant use a second form of birth control.

Girls and women onlypuberty facilitate!?

there is no risk-free time throughout that you can be risk-free from pregnancy but if your using the condom correctly i wouldnt verbs.
if you want that extra safekeeping near is other going on the pill :)

thrush in women?

generally a women starts to ovulate 14 days after her second length. This is when the egg is released into the fallopian tubes and pregnancy is at the most risk here. so yes, 2 weeks after your time of year is not a suitable time for sex even beside condoms. capture on birth control if your period are not regular plus condoms to be safer

Please serve me agree on?

sperm can survive resembling 5 days contained by the woman's body, so 15 days after your term till close to 25 days. I used condoms and vaginal foam, it worked really okay, and the foam is pretty cheap. that will boost your confidence that if here is an disaster, which we adjectives have have, you hold a hindmost up plan.

I wanna know roughly speaking rh facter.?

Unless you check your basal heat every morning and chart the fluctuations, you really can't hold a clue on picking a worst or best sunshine. The solitary definitely 100% successful birth control is parsimony; using a condom is "pretty safe" if-IF-it is ALWAYS used, other used correctly, and if it fits and stays on appropriately. You can attach spermicidal foam for insurance, and/or a diaphragm or birth control pills.

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