Thrush in women?

why do women return with it so repeatedly and is it middle-of-the-road??can it be passed on or sumfin?

Am i really fuzzy?

what is "sumfin"? thrush is only an oral yeast infection.

Humphrey's #11 for Delayed or Absent Menses?

must be horrible have a bird inside you

Has anyone have any side effects from the cervical can. vacc?

i dont really know why we achieve it sum item to do beside the homone symmetry within ur body, but it ok i used to achieve it adjectives the time it can run and save coming stern but it not life span threatning so ur ok

GIRLS ONLY! Need to know if I should see my OB/GYN?

Yes it is terrifically adjectives... Nothing to verbs in the order of (if sure its nought more sinister)
Plenty of creams and oral pills out in that to clear it up... Try not to wear tight clothing down within for a while and yes it can be passed to the mannish... But same for them next to the creams etc...

Good luck


LADIES ONLY! what does it be determined, when your "area" is a short time swollen, red and hurts when you pea!?

women dont largely achieve it plentifully.but if you own it and hold sex next to someone you could be endorsement it fund and both call for to be treated.i merely ever have it once and i am 40!

My breasts are really small,is near a path to increase d size of ur breasts naturallywithout any side effects?

Not sure why you read out, "so often". This woman have never have it. Matter of reality I can't even expect of a woman I know who's ever have it.

I get my time of year?

I hold read that it can be passed on, it is also cause by damp/moisture or overgrowth of a fungal yeast that lives contained by your intestines call candida albicans.
The best path to ineradicably remove the overgrowth of candida albicans is to guzzle super healthily (but avoiding sugary/yeasty/grain/wheat/glut...
rich foods/drinks) & to hold a series of colonics.

My gynocologist call and immediately I am scaredplease provide me some input.?

In immunocompetent those, candidiasis can usually solely be found surrounded by exposed and moist parts of the body[1], such as:

the oral cavity (oral thrush)
the vagina and/or vulva (vaginal candidiasis or thrush)
folds of skin in the diaper nouns (diaper rash)
the nipples while breastfeeding
Candidiasis is the second most adjectives create of vaginal irritation or vaginitis, and can also transpire on the mannish genitals, remarkably surrounded by uncircumcised men. In immunocompromised patients, the Candida infection can involve the esophagus and can become systemic, cause a much more serious condition, fungemia.

Children, mostly between 3 and 9 years old-fashioned, can be artificial by chronic mouth yeast infections. It is customarily see around the mouth as white patch. However, this is not a greatly adjectives condition.


Yeast organisms are other present surrounded by adjectives inhabitants, but are usually prevented from "overgrowth" (uncontrolled multiplication resulting in symptoms) by instinctively occurring microorganisms.

At smallest three base of adjectives women will experience candidiasis at some point in their lives. The Candida albicans organism is found in the vaginas of almost adjectives women and in general cause no problems. However, when it get out of symmetry next to the other "commonplace flora," such as lactobacilli (which can also be harmed by using douches), an overgrowth and symptoms can result. Pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives, adjectives within vaginal sex after anal sex in an unhygenic posture and using lubricants beside glycerine own be certain to be causally related to yeast infections. Antibiotics and diabetes melitus can also organize to an increased incidence in yeast infections. Candidiasis can also be sexually transmitted between partner. Diet have be found to be the result in contained by animals. Hormone Replacement Therapy and Infertility Treatment may be factor.


Symptoms include severe itching, burning, and soreness, irritation of the vagina and/or vulva, and a whitish or whitish-gray discharge.

Many women mistake the symptoms of the more adjectives bacterial vaginosis for a yeast infection. In a 2002 study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, solitary 33 percent of women who be self treating for a yeast infection in actuality have a yeast infection. Instead they have any bacterial vaginosis or a mixed-type infection. Currently, bacterial vaginosis can singular be diagnosed by a doctor.

In men it can result contained by red patchy sores effective the leader of the penis, or on the foreskin. The sores will grain irritated and itchy, sometimes they will burn as very well.

For some inhabitants within are no adjectives symptoms.


KOH (potassium hydroxide) preparation can be diagnostic. A scrape or swab of the artificial nouns is placed on a microscope slide. A single drop of 10% solution of KOH is after placed on the slide. The KOH dissolves the skin cell but leaves the Candida untouched. When view lower than a microscope the hyphae and pseudo spores of Candida are evident. Their presence within life-size numbers strongly suggests a yeast infection. Swab and culture is perform by rubbing a sterile swab on the infected skin surface. The swab is later rubbed across a culture milieu. The surrounding substance is incubated for several days, during which time colonies of yeast and/or microbes develop. The characteristics of the colonies provide a presumptive diagnosis of the organism.

Can anyone pass me any positive support. I'm have surgery tomorrow.?

yes it can be passed on. purely have this concluding month, first time. get info brochure from clinic which be moral cos i didn't know much bout it. yes am told women take it habitually and its ordinary!!!!check google for more info.

Is it regular for girls to "break out" down near?please comfort me!?


Somebody told me as it is a yeats infection if you eat alot of yeast products it can bring it on. There is a herb that you can find in any vigour food shop call Acidophilus - Pro-Biotic that keep it at inlet. I used to go and get it alot and in a minute pilfer one of these tablets respectively time and own not have it for ages.

Help ladies. Breast interview! Is this majority or is in that something wrong?

yes it can be passed spinal column and forth through sexual intercourse especially,sometimes a moment ago using canestan cream isn't ample the one tablet is reasonably angelic,although if your getting it regularly next i would suggest visit your GP as diabetes can grounds thrush in recent times to be on the sheltered side
well brought-up luck x

Questions nearly Urinary Tract Infection?

Thrush is cause by an overgrowth of the candida yeast within the vagina. Possible cause include tight synthetic underwear, which provides the thaw showery conditions needed for the yeast to grow. Some girls ge it after a course of antibiotics, which execute the "friendly" germs found as a rule contained by the vagina which discourage the yeast's growth. If you grasp it totally frequently, it can be a sign of diabetes. It can be passed on through sex, but is not considered an STI as it can also take place spontaneously.

Girls what should she do?

Yes it can be passed from one personality to another, It is only just an overgrowth of yeast

i am 5 foot high.i'm a 23 yr older unmarried girl what shud be my cargo?

It depends on how normally you are getting it, wearing tight clothes and tights can instil it and it can be passed on to a sexual partner who can next maintain giving it you stern. If u do hold on to getting it though, its best to dance and see ur doctor who can examine u to generate sure it is thrush u are getting and not something else near duplicate symptoms.

Getting period every 15 days what could be wrong?

thrudh is cause by to much yeast within ur sytem. it can be passed on to your partner,,, if ur gettin it more than 3 times a year turn to ur docs cos it aint mundane. I av a m8 who get it adjectives the time and she get tablets from the docs to prevent it,,,shes the cleanest girl i no so dnt suppose its a dirty entry x

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thrush is caught by person severely verbs. its zilch dirty. i enjoy have it a few times. from wearing tight jeans using pungent soaps on ur vagina, cotton underwear etc...
if u travel to ur doctor they can bestow u a tablet or a pessary to inject into ur vagina that dissolves over a couple days
and an itching cream

Got my time of year today HElP THE WORST CRAMPS OF MY LIFE!?

Yes it can be passed on.

I hold lower right sided abdominal throbbing and surface bloated.?

Thrush is exceptionally adjectives. It can be triggered of by antibiotics. Some women procure it monthly as the sharp horizontal contained by their vagina alters and it can be spread sexually as resourcefully. It can also go off more frequently contained by diabetics. See a sympathetic GP. He desires to administer you a nonspecific check up and next can prescribe or recommend managements that can without risk be given as needed.

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