Very low Sex drive , or no sex drive problem?

hello, I am a 26 year old married mannish who been married to my wonderful wife for almost one year immediately , the problem is that before marriage ceremony we both had this huge sex drive and we both couldnt capture enough of respectively other , but with no infiltration as we both wanted to hang about till after the marriage , consequently after the marriage she begin on birth pills but somehow her drive went from low to lower till its in a minute , around 6 month now near no sex or oral intercourse whatso ever , she quited the pill lie 5 month ago , but still within is no improvment , i tried everything from candles to romance mood , to massages , i be wondering if the pill could affect her libido even after she stopped , and if so is there a bearing to regain it with out medical supplemnts, and if it really needed supplements , will we own to go on those supplements for ever or isit for a short term, pls help any one

Has anyone ever have a negative urine tryout at the doc and ended up one pregnant?

In the long run I think you would requirement some talks any with a matrimonial counselor or a sex therapist, I am not sure if this is included in your insurance or not, but it might prove to be the singular solution. Someone needs to uncap this subject and hear both sides and then want on the best way to support you.

Supplements (herbal) do not really help. I know that for menopausal women a pill containing testosterone is making a huge difference in the sexual drive of these women but am not sure if this treatment is given to younger women too. You do stipulation to consult a gynecologist about that.

Good luck.

I want to know why iam not able to getting the polite feeling of sex why have intercourse with by boyfreind?

Since giving birth to twins 3 years ago I enjoy had this same problem. It may nouns stupid, but after talking to doctors and trying to amount out what my problem was near no luck, I decided to merely start acting like I looked-for sex again and initiating it all the time. It took a short time while but it seems to be working wonders and immediately I actually do relish it again. I think women can be simply as sensitive as men about sexual dysfunction and it can be a really difficult hole to verbs yourself out of psychologically. I'm not sure about the effects of birth control...not too much experience next to that, but do have her read this post (so she doesn't have an idea that its your hair brained hypothesis lol) and if it sounds like something she may want to try after please do. And even if it works don't think you don't own to keep up your efforts- maintain on with the candles and stuff, most of us women entail that regardless of our sex drive. : ) Good luck!

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