Help get to lose wieght !!(a)(a)}?

ok my bro got a errand in hawii and i might move about there surrounded by june!! anyway i need to lose 50 lbs by june ... how oodles calories should i eat and burn surrounded by a day if i want lose 50 pounds
by june. i haven't wore a bikini since i be 4 ish im 13
5'4 and a fat a**
im other been told "oh hun you've get a "perty" face dont verbs "
that just pisses me stale
please help alot of my ancestral is either almost anerexic skinny or 300 lbs ish obesely flabby
whenever i see huge people within my family i dislike it cause they relate me im a huge fat a**
168 pounds
sorry for recitation my life story =]]

Answers:    Hey! I know a short time ago how you feel! But, really, at 13, you're still growing and you NEED a capably balanced diet. PLEASE don't travel on one of those fad things where on earth you eliminate an entire food group!
I've found that only eating smaller quantity than usual, and increasing activity works really all right. Try taking 1/2 of what you'd usually eat at respectively meal, cut between spread snacks to some 'free foods' like a ziploc purse of ANY veggie (pre-rinsed and cut into bite size pieces, dried and bagged up for your day)... so pick your favorite and organizer outside for your bicycle, or take a devout walk. Even walking thru the shopping arcade is good, IF you keep hold of walking: Do a couple of 'laps' around the mall walking as speedy as you can, then you can hang around in your favorite store!
Best of luck to you!
My daughter discovered this technique when she settled to loose weight, and she go down about 10 sizes and is drastically pleased with herself!
...and don't forget to hold fun with it: you can find humor only about anywhere if you look for it!
Don't newly focus on calories. You need to look at what kind of foods you're eating. Don't chomp through fatty foods... Also, there are abiding foods that help you loose cargo. For example, eating ample dairy helps. The other entry is you should exercise. Start walking as much as possible. Walking is a great form of transportation because it gets you where on earth you're going, and it helps carry on a healthy lifestyle.

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