What could be the cause of "fleshy" off white and blood stained vaginal discharge be?


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You probably shouldn't listen to a dentist in the region of vaginal discharge info, but if it is accompany by itching, burning, or simply doesn't smell right, it could be a fungal infection. A similar infection is frequently found in the oral cavity, especially in denture wearers who don't lug out their dentures at hours of darkness.

To the responder above, F.Y.I., the ovaries do not "shed" their "lining", and if they DID it would NOT be a majority physiologic phenomenon. The uterus does shed it's bin liner once per month, however. Just as a thing of proper correction. I disgust misinformation.

Do ya'll as a rule thought that you've started your extent when you rouse up?


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"Discharge cause by thrush is usually (but not always) white and thicker than a woman’s regular discharge. The ‘typical’ discharge connected to thrush is yoghurt-like within appearance and smells strongly of yeast. Some women, however, hold a runny or mild-smelling discharge. The amount can also rise and fall from for a time to seriously."

You can catch thrush especially if you've taken a course of antibiotics - which will own messed up your usual right microbes that keep it at fjord.

There are some pretty forceful pessaries and pills - and also some unconscious treatments including using yoghurt! (and that's not 'intake it'!)

Otherwise an infection can be cause by other things including some STD's - but the gooey white stuff is commonly yeast infection approaching thrush/candiasis.





Health tips?

Well that sounds resembling the mucous plug that comes out a couple days up to that time you pass birth.
If you are not pregnant later possibly an implantation bleed cause by a contemporary pregnancy, so help yourself to a experiment.
If thats unattainable consequently it may be a vaginal infection so see your doctor.

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Please.... I'm intake here...

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if ya spell aint coming on after turn see the doc. cud be a sign of anything.

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yeugh - it sounds disgusting,I am not a doctor,or a girl for that situation, so I don't know what it could be,but I would recommend you to see your doctor

I could sure use your insight.. gratitude :)?

All woman enjoy different types of usual discharge, and its impossible to diagnose via computer site-reading what could bring respectively category. Your best bet is to turn to the doctor. I know it can be humiliated and shameful, but you hold to remember that this is what he/she does... adjectives hours of daylight. So what may be strange to you could be completely usual to later. Take of yourself back you contribute within to loss of composure. I decision you the best of luck.

My mom won't agree to me use tampons?

May own something to do near your extent, is it arranged around that time of the month. If it a permanant everyday accurance afterwards I would see the doctor.

What open-handed of ultrasound would they do if they are looking at my fallopian tubes?

That is the mucosal inside layer of the ovary. Shedding this inside layer is a physiological phenomena

PLEASE please answerr..really requirement counsel.?

Probably thrush

May be other infection

You could try over the counter Canasten for thrush

Better would be to hold it checked by your GP or practice nurse.

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