Is this average??

I know a sign of breast cancer is lumps, but is it normal to own a hard spot contained by each breast contained by the same exact spot?? Im not sure if thats middle-of-the-road or not and its bothering me...Please let me know, especially a nurses or doctors answer would facilitate

Answers:    that means that they are growing,
I'm an RN, and while I can't present medical advice I can offer my personal opinion.

Many breast lumps are benign cysts or dense tissue, and if these lumps you describe are not increasing contained by size, it probably isn't a problem. However, since you're concerned, you should see a gynecologist or a nurse practitioner who specializes in women's robustness.

If a physical exam is inconclusive, your doctor/NP may recommend a mammogram. If you don't have insurance and you're worried in the region of cost, the Centers for Disease Control oversees a national program for low- or no-cost mammography, and there may be a service located close by you. The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation is also a good resource.

Information is power, and if you're worried it's best to find out the answers. The probability are that you're fine, but it's better safe than sorry. Good luck!
i ponder you should GO to the doctors before anything happen

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