Does anyone else have a vagina with large um...flaps?

im not sure what the controlled word for it is and im sure iv read it somewhere, but the with the sole purpose vocabulary I own for it is flaps, pink bits...inner maw...degrading i know!

soooo embarassed right now!

One bump inside my vagina, what is this?!?

They're call labia.
Labia majora are the ones on the outside, and labia minora are the smaller ones inside.
Don't be embarassed. It's totally usual to enjoy significant "flaps" (never hear them call that, but it sounds cute). Everyone's different, but immense ones are completely majority.

Tampons? first time use..?

There are two controlled vocabulary:

Meat Flaps
Barn Doors

Help pleasee?

I regard thats what happen when you own kids.


Embarrased for the huge blankness between your ears?

Whats better?

I regard it's call labia majora. Just an fyi.

About my quote: HEALTH?

Yes. Very everyday.

Promise. :)

What it your best home method of preventing UTIs?

i don't hold flaps, but i believe they are call labia: inner (majora) and outer (minora) - or vice versa for the latin.

Can a girl receive pregnant from foreplay?

i'm a no. but i enjoy see them, and prefer them so relax. some girls enjoy big orifice and others do not...running out of story.

How soaring do you imagine i can be?

Labia Majora

Severe spinal column strain after epidural?

They are call Labia Minora. It's not unusual. There is a plastic surgery for it call labiaplasty.

is it run of the mill if?

Yep, I do! In some cultures it is see as a article of aesthetic surrounded by women who own larger labia. For others.. it can be a annoying person to traffic beside. :) I've never have a problem though. Many, plentiful, MANY women enjoy colossal labia. It's adjectives. :)

Is this werid?

alot og ppl do hun

Ahh. lend a hand!?

The usual gutter terrm for massive labia chief is "meat curtains". They ebb and flow on different women. If they really bother you, approaching they receive slapping noise when you step, later cosmetic surgery may be for you. Some women are competent to develop control over them and are competent to pick up a dime from a smooth surface.

? in the region of when to start birth control pill?

I cogitate they are call the labia... and every one is different. So Don't be emarassed. In some primitive cultures the labia be in actuality cut rotten when a feminine reach puperty.

Girls: Do you use redolent things?


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