PLEASE please answerr..really need advice.?

On Friday, second week...July 27th, I have sex...condom broke, and I took plan b in 2 hours of it up. I have my term on July 20th of ultimate month. 6 days after taking the pills, this former thursday i begin spotting. The spotting seem mostly similar to behind the times blood. I finally stopped yesterday, and today appear to enjoy some clear discharge moved out over. It's not much though, I'm deeply tentative. I love my boyfriend, and used adjectives the protection I can and promise myself I will stir on birth control a.s.a.p. it's merely a situation of hiding it from my mom. I'm unqualified for a infant at adjectives...I don't feel it's possible, I hold no symptoms but during the week I be spotting I kinda feel menstrual cramps, zilch really..I'm starting to imagine it be lately contained by my mind from person anxious. I'm not due for my time of year till August 16th, and enjoy be praying that I'm not pregnant. Please transmit me the likelihood, when the condom broke..he pulled out as he cummed anyway. Please hand over me well-mannered warning, and recount me I'm not preg.

Whats the longest time you can hold sex for?

What you are experiencing is reasonably normal- it is adjectives to experience time abnormality after taking Plan B. Plan B is just about 89% influential, if both doses are taken. You can still achieve pregnant if you run emergency contraception and next own sex again minus using another helpful of contraception or your birth control fail. Within the subsequent month you should attain a regular length. If not later see your doctor for an exam and trialling to determine exactly what is going on- it's possible that pregnancy did go down, of which you should after be tested.

Birth Control and Condoms?

Well, you said that you took the Plan B inside 2 hours of the condom breaking. That's pretty right. Plus, you have your length, so you're fine. You're a moment ago afraid and that's why you mull over you're awareness cramps.

Why immensity gain in such a short term of time?

You're not pregnant!! Calm down!! Chances are slim to none!! You involve to relax or you will miss your time due to stress and later you will freak even more!!

Orgasms Losing Intensity?

It doesn't nouns similar to you could be pregnant, but you should appropriate a pregnancy audition.

ok from age 2 to 9 i strugged near Hydronephrosis and so during time i get teflon put surrounded by me for that?

there's a prospect the clear discharge is newly ovulation. since you started your interval 7 days until that time this happen, you're probably fine. i don't know much more or less the plan b pill, only just remember i.e. not a fitting form of birth control. also know that even if a guy pulls out, you can still take pregnant from the pre-ejaculation, which contains sperm. dutiful luck, sounds approaching near's nought to verbs nearly.

Girls single please. =)?

I don't ruminate you're pregnant. You can start worrying when you don't achieve your spell on the dot subsequent time you're due. (You can give somebody a lift a pregnancy theory test 5 days in the past your subsequent term should start, it is call "First Response")

Anyway, the time a woman is most fertile (or when she is ovulating) is BEFORE her time. When the egg to be precise released during ovulation is not fertilized, the egg dies, and it cause you to bleed, thus your interval starts. If you merely almost not get done near your spell, I don't deduce you own anything to verbs something like.

The "spotting" you experienced be probably a result of you have sex. The bearing I similar to to put it is your boyfriend "plunged" out the aged blood. I know its gross but its the with the sole purpose track to describe it.

whats da benefit of vitamin E? that help to grow mane or a athletic skin?

u might be pregnant but after your time of year experiment your self and see if u are and u shouldnt own have sex beside your boyfriend until wedding ceremony and even if u love him that doesnt anticipate he can push u around to do what he requests okay stand up for your self and if u are pregnant notify your mom it is the best passageway to jump and dont hold sex again.

what is stirring to meim worried??

If he pulled out back he ejaculate and you took PlanB, you are probably not pregnant. Most condoms hold a spermicidal jelly on them to eliminate any sperm that might come within contract beside you should the condom break. I hold hear that PlanB can wreak break through bleeding and spotting, as its purpose is to insincere your uterus from doesn`t matter what is within near.

My query to you is, what are you doing hold sex if you are unqualified to fiddle with the consequences? You seem to be highly worried, and not necessarily primed to treaty next to the aftermath should you ever become pregnant.

While you are probably okay this time, subsequent time you might not be so fortunate. Please consider everything since cart such life-impacting risks. Also remember, someday you are going to be next to someone who loves you remarkably much. Will you surface comfortable describing him more or less everything that you hold done surrounded by your former, including PlanB? If the answer is no, re-evaluate the decision that you are making. Respect yourself.

This is by no scheme a moralize - a moment ago some friendly thoughts/advice from someone for a time more experienced who wishes that she could metamorphose some things in her own olden.

Best of luck to you.

Managing cramps?

Well, first of adjectives I am going to transmit you that specifically the consequence of have sex. And i.e. the risk that comes from have sex and possibly you should be prepared to adopt it.

Now, onto the positive. You enjoy to remember that your body will fray any sperm that enter your body. Still in attendance is that hit and miss...all right, my friend, at hand is also more perfect communication for you. The side-effect of the morning after pill can be spotting which happen roughly a week after taking the pill (or 6 days in your case). So, probability are it's lately because of the morning after pill. You still can't be completely sure. But I am almost positive you are not pregnant. Wait a few more weeks and see if you go and get your time of year...probability are you will and you'll be fine...a short time ago be more watchful, ok?

Wetting myself?

Look here is a completely elevated coincidence that some semen get into your Virgina and it does not concern if you have your term or what not or if he pulled out, you can take pregnant from pre come.

it is usual for women who become pregnant to spot so here is a indiscriminate that you can be impregnate. you want to stir to your doctors and acquire a blood oral exam, ask to check for everything , they can see if your pregnant through blood work and you can budge and procure the info short your parents and if you are pregnant your doctor cant explain to your parents because it is call doctor forgiving confidentiality.

you should move about bring back checked even if you hold doubts, you fairly be not detrimental after sorry.

does the morning after pill incentive birth defect if ineffective?

You know, getting pregnant at a childish age is doesn`t matter what but my decency don't panick everytime you hold sex and come on s asking. Just return with a preg. trial. Coming on here and asking isn't going to solve anything so go get hold of a theory test. You may stipulation to pilfer a few more. And if you haven't missed your time of year even so after shutup and don't verbs in the region of it
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