Will getting my clit pierced help me enjoy sex even more?

How sore is it to return with it done ? and how long does it steal to treat ?


The Clitoris piercing is located at the top of the vagina, beneath the top hood of the labia. Lift the hood and you will see a ‘pea-shaped’ bump specifically the organ, the clitoris. The Clitoris must be of sufficient size to accommodate 1.6mm appraise jewels. If it is too small, piercing it will drastically increase the risk of gall make worse.

Healing Time: 2 - 12 weeks

Genital piercings hold the potential to treat slightly immediately. They do, however, suffer when the piercee does not hold the genital nouns cool and dry.
Avoid wearing underwear or any tight and restrictive garments that may aggravate the piercing by rubbing against it.

A genital piercing should be placed low surrounded by its location, thereby minimising the randomness of the earrings person rejected by friction. The hoops should also be of at tiniest 1.6mm to 2mm assess because anything thinner will migrate adjectives the more like a shot.

Abstain from strenuous sexual leisure that will shred at a therapeutic piercing (which can appear even long after the piercing have healed) and remember that have unprotected sex, while wearing a piercing, can increase the probability of ratification a sexually transmitted disease.

Any signs of infection in a genital piercing should be deal next to right now. If the infection spreads into the urinary system it can become cystitis, which is a bladder infection that cause the constant urge to urinate coupled next to a burning sensation when doing so. Infections spread deeper and do more disfavour when vanished unchecked. They DO NOT a short time ago dance away.

My friend have it done and said it hurt close to hell but two other culture i know who hold get it said it be a sharp scrape and thats adjectives. So it lately depends on your throbbing threshold

How long does nair ending?

jesus cant this stuff dally until approaching darkness as near is young-looking children on here you weirdo

My length is irregular it have be going for 2 weeks and is black?

Be cautious


no, how could that possibly be when it's more susceptible to infection

Does anyone know the best means of access to acquire rid of stretch results from have a toddler, besides surgery.?

Why don't you walk to Africa. Somalia or somewhere close to that. They will rip it out by the roots for you, next to a set of two of rusty pliers.

We spent thousands of years becoming civilised, consequently we shutting down up beside empire similar to you. What a amiable and cultured personality you must be, to refer to it as your "clit".

My sister is flippin out!!!?

Why on planet do you hold the desire to mutilate your body? Many cases of clitoral piercing enjoy cause bring down to the nerves and have departed the woman minus state of mind or sensation. Their sex go is no longer agreeable. Are you feeling like to risk that?

Please HELP confused solitary serious answers please?

My ex have hers done and she enjoy playing beside it, it didn't bring in sex "better"... but consequently i have another friend who have it done and she used to own orgasms from the vibrations on the bus and the piercing rubbing against her..

Why not try it out, if it doesn't do it for you, run it out, and it's not the clit itself that get pierced, but the hood of skin over it, so that the jewelery rests against your clit...

Hope that help, and hold fun next to your unusual toy!!

Oh yeah, it hurts a unbroken lot to win it done... the throbbing stops after something like 12 hours, and it take something like 2 weeks to fully alleviate.

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Yes... pervert...

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I don't know but......OUCH!!

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It will assist you to delight in sex alot more than you already do. And the soreness is benign of pleasurable, it take roughly one to two weeks for the health-giving. My wife have it done, she loves it.

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That's gotta hurt.

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go for it if that's what you want. and don't mind that sill girl that said loaf until tonight. she is forgetting it's the world pattern and it;s darkness somewhere. closed minded little relations don't mind them.

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Just checked the ask out of curiosity and here be just one indisputable answer and the rest be only prejudist comments from population who hold zilch constructive to influence. You walk, girl, if that's what you want and don't tolerate the biggots here stop you!

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Well, it honestly depends on the TYPE of piercing you are getting. Some of them are safer and smaller number risky than others. Some of them also pose the risk of you completely losing adjectives your clitoral feeling/sensation so you inevitability to really guess this through... and if you're sure it's what you want, move about for it. If not, conceivably you should do a bit more research & speak to several women who've already have it done.

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im not sure self mutilation is the best mode to delight in sex.
instruct youre mate how to do it properly. dont verbs going on for his/her self esteem newly explain to them what theyre doing wrong and right and show em what u resembling.

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they don't pierce your clit.. they pierce your hood. and no, it's not a righteous view, I close to to rub and slap the chief of my penis against the outside and I wouldn't liek here to be something cold and thorny near

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id suggest it would sprain the nerves. and take infected effortless.

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You own a sick mind. If you want pleasure, I can endow with you more than anything else.

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definetly not. . . . .it will fold your life span from repeated infections

OK, I am 9. . .?

why are you asking a grill similar to this on here?

Obviously you aint aint getting ample!

Its not nil to do beside anything you pierce, its if you can work it and delight your man... so much to swot..

Is in attendance something wrong beside me?!?!? HELP plz?

ouch!! take heed

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What happen when you skip a time?

you will probally soak up it more seeing the guy your near enjoy the piercing. Adds a different sensation to the guy. I love it!

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