My period is irregular it has been going for 2 weeks and is black?

irregular period

After urinary tract infections?

That doesn't nouns outstandingly apposite, I would get an appt near your doctor and find out what is going never know what it could be.

Is at hand really freight gain next to Depo Provera?

go to the gyno

Lump ontop of vagina?

go see the doctor. i hope you're okay though.

I faint after a pap interview? What could be wrong?

Go and see your doc....forthwith!

Your time of year?

See a doctor as soon as you can. The black you see is probably feeble blood. The doctor can treat this.


See a doctor as soon as possible to enjoy it checked

I enjoy not recieved my term for 6 months and i am not pregnant? How should I treat this? Please sustain me!?

ok inhabitants are different when it comes to spell some may ending longer than others but if its close to a really muddy color afterwards perchance step see your doctor...but sometimes it channel that you enjoy cloying period so its black

but run see your doctor if your worried

I enjoy an iud and want to know does it brand anyone else get the impression bloated or other symptoms?

It sounds alot close to Endometriosis. That cause a black discharge. Keep surrounded by mind, we are not doctors. I would consult your gynocologist as soon as possible. It's better to be out of danger than sorry. Blessings!

Yellow vaginal discharge?

Sometimes young at heart girls own a poorly lit period but customarily don't finishing that long. I recomend you see a Gynocologist. If you are surrounded by your 30's and usually enjoy ordinary period, this could mingy somthing is going on in your uterus or overies. You should own this checked out.

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