What is a good way to get rid of water retention when u r on your monthly period.how much fluid do u gain?


About gardasil?

Drink more hose.


Drink plenty of hose - seriously.

Some women gain several pounds of marine cargo but lose it during menstruation.

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You can bring a dampen pill. And stay away from brackish and flavoursome foods soy sauce, etc. Then drinks lots of hose down. Flush yourself out.

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It's a well-mannered theory to cut spinal column on saline which promotes hose down retention (I know it's not easy -- this is the time I crave brackish the most). Also, a great over-the-counter pill for hose down mass gain and bloating is Diurex. You can find them near the rest of the feminine supplies. It really help me. Good luck.

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I gain give or take a few two to three pounds everytime. But, I drink plenty of hose down and it help flush it out. Your body will store the river if you don't drink ample. Kind of approaching your body go into starvation mode if you don't achieve plenty food. Eat Drink and be Merry.

I drink in the region of 1 lt of marine contained by the daylight but pee sooo much?

Drink more river, smaller quantity brackish, and you can look for pms tablets that trim down bloating.

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