Can you get pregnant on the 1st day of your period when you use a condom?

my boyfriend and I are chitchat in the order of have sex on our year anniversary(I will in recent times be turning 16, its in a couple months) and Ive thought roughly it alot close to trying to wish...weigh out the consecenses and will be my 1st time and his 1st time...someone told me its not on to grasp pregnant on your 1st light of day of your that true?

I want to do this next to him and Ive loved him even up to that time we be I give attention to Im in place for this I a short time ago dont want to catch pregnant....what do you judge?

There be one and only 1dose surrounded by the emergency contraceptive pill pack?!!?

The likelihood are lower around term time, but it is still possible. Your also putting yourself at risk for STD's.

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Contrary to what you might can obtain pregnant at any time, even if you are have your spell. You can even return with pregnant if he pulls out in the past he ejaculate or if it even get on your underwear. If go wishes to ensue, it will crop up, regardless. And remember condoms break. Don't own sex if you aren't geared up for the responsibility.

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Not if everything is done properly. Don't consent to him even grasp any precum on you.

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First of adjectives... GROSS... for the thought of have sex on your interval...gag.
Second, its not too potential that you will draw from preggers near a condom. unless it breaks, afterwards within is other a possibility, even when you are on birth control.
Use two.

Vagiasil (or something similar) commercial?

First of adjectives, it is other *possible* to take pregnant. Every woman's body is different so you purely never know when you are ovulating. Always, other use protection.

That person said, the risk on the first year of your your time of year is unbelievably low (kind of yucky for a first time, don't cha suppose?). Risk is also low the time back, and the afternoon after, too. But next to a condom, you should be pretty safe and sound anyway. It isn't the most potent BC method, but pretty dutiful (90% I ruminate be the finishing stat I heard).

severe pms discomfort!!?

it is possible to get hold of pregnant even if ur have ur time because the egg might still be surrounded by near. your with the sole purpose 16 be sure your primed you dont wat to own to be a mother at ur age.

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Well if you realllly are sure that you are going through this dont do it on your time its too messy and the smell of blood and yeah no dont do dont want to gross him out of loving you :P anyways hmm YEAH YOU CAN GET PREGGY DURING YOUR PERIOD the likelihood are slim but they do exist. Second of adjectives you DO NOT WANT TO GET STDS, it may be your first time but you don't 100 percent know it isnt his or perchance he have a * from someone who have herpes? Get it? Its not intercourse but it still get you an STD. So My suggestion to you is skulk till your atleast 18 and if you really dont want to next use condoms and shift on birthcontrol anyways merely as a stern up, if you enjoy migrains or headache of any sort after dance next to the shot I don`t know or I.U.D. any or would work. Precum will achieve you preggy as all right so dont play around after put the condom on thinking ur protected, incentive you are not. Also, if you really regard something like it if you suggest your out-of-date ample to hold sex, consequently you are aged ample to filch responsibilities for your activities. Even if it does be set to you are a mom at the age of 17 which would suck because in attendance go your freedom and fun, while everyones partying your at home carrying for your child and your boyfriend would enjoy not here incentive he is too young at heart and upset or you both struggle. Anyhow satisfactory of the advocate, if you going to do it do it right and dont do it on your interval.

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I would enunciate if your discussing wether or not u want to hold sex definatly dance on the birth control pill and secondly dont sleep beside anyone short a condom unless u know their clear of stds. stay smart and play sheltered

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It is other possible--especially if you do not know your cycles capably. Using a condom properly is your best haphazard (aside from abstinance or using more than one method of contraception). This funds putting it on past anything "starts," unrolling it the correct road, ensure that at hand is room surrounded by the tip, etc. Even used without blemish, over 12 months 3 out of 100 women will return with pregnant. Condoms also support protect against STDs. You don't want one of those, any.

Every woman should read _Taking Charge of Your Fertility_ by Toni Weschler. I never really implied my time of year and when I could seize preganant until I read this book. I coupled to her Common Fertility Myths page surrounded by the reference branch.

Girls - a hurried cross-question?

You can gain pregnant at any time, whether you are on your time of year, bad your time, using a condom, or not using a condom. The solitary guarantee of any style of protection is prudence.

You are moderately young-looking - and not to nouns similar to your mother - because I know I'm not - you really should hang about. Is this boy really definitely worth losing your virginity for?

I am not maxim I am flawless, any. I hold made my mistakes, and I am divorced, too. I live next to my boyfriend (I am 24, realize) and I own sex on a regular spring. I know that large schoolers hold sex on their minds profoundly at that age. Just be out of danger.

Also - if you own any doubts just about it adjectives - don't do it. Not even if it's "in recent times to please him." That is the worst defence to submit to that at adjectives.

Congrats on a one-year anniversary, though.

i am a chinese guy live in Malaysia. i immediately is 20year older, and my 'brother' only just hold 12cm with the sole purpose, is run of the mill?

Congrats on your anniversary!

You CAN obtain pregnant at any time; even during your term. Also, sex during your time is harder than when you're not (and I don't denote the unconcealed mess). You ought to continue until you're not have your extent.

In any crust, USE A CONDOM.

However, you're both 16 and should be celebrate surrounded by a bearing save for sex. Sixteen is too young-looking to own sex.
I didn't get down my first anniversary next to my big arts school sweetheart that approach.

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