What happens after a d&c?

I not long have a d&c on dec. 27. I am curious when i should be expecting a term. And also is it mundane to enjoy breast niggle. They are tender approaching when i be pregnant. I as a rule don't seize tender next to period. This have be ongoing for a week immediately. Could i be pregnant already?

Small breasts?

If you've have sex, yes logically you could be pregnant! Didn't the doctor push for you to use protection for a while to allow your body time to treat??
Wow..... confer roughly irritable. YOU be not impressively within depth within your statement, so don't dance jump on US for answering YOUR query near what little information at hand be provided. Geez.

To answer your snotty statement, you probably could expect your spell inwardly the subsequent week to month. Your body have be brutally altered surgically; this can mess things up, even when it doesn't involve your reproductive organs.

When I have a D&C, I have extent similar to bleeding for more or less a week after, later I have a typical interval roughly speaking 5 weeks after that. But respectively personality is different.

Bottom splash: If you don't want to catch generalized answers, receive your question as surrounded by depth as possible. Don't close to the answers you're getting, don't ask question here. Call your doctor.


If you hold be have unprotected sex you could definately be pregnant. Why not pilfer a pregnancy exam to be sure. It could also be a tweaking contained by your period but I would purloin the experiment purely to be sure.

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