Is a prolonged menstraul period a concern?

I missed my time for 3 months after my lil brother died. and it resumed within december near a commonplace time except it last 7 days. This month time of year be 3 days of spotting consequently a meduim flow for 4 days next stopped for 1 consequently started pay for spotting for 1/2 hours of daylight very soon bleeding regularely but it have be 8 days since start is this regular?


Can i wear tampons if i own genital wart?

Not typical but if it isn't chiefly creamy, you can probably chalk it up to stress. Give your body a couple more months to readjust.

Really Tired?

It could be irregular because of the stress of losing your brother, but if it continues much longer ask the doctor. Take Care!

i inevitability more info on pregnancy?

Any sort of stress, approaching you're experiencing, can attain your cycle out of wack.

But, step see a Gyn to be sure nearby's zilch wrong.

Can we loss our virginity.if we relish sex not taking clothes out?

It is possible that your violent upset cause this. Allow this month to move about through (unless it never ends). Then see subsequent month - if you still hold probllems see your ob/gyn

Are everyone's cramps this unpromising?!?

its bc of adjectives the stress that you be underneath agree to everything silence down and if this is still happing when your harmony and stress free you might want to see a doctor!!

What to do if ur frail?

Its stress basically try to relax

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