Is it true that the only way they do tubal ligations in canada now is with clips?

Has anyone have it done a different bearing? A year and a partly ago I get a tubal and the doc said that be the solitary method, but in a minute I'm have problems beside the clips they used. I am going to a different doctor, and I want to ask if I can attain it cut instead, but I don't know if it's true that they don't do that anymore (the doctors where on earth I live are disgracefully unreliable).

is it desperate if u hold a bloody proboscis next put a tampon up at hand?

Clips are the easiest and fastest method, but I can't picture a national moratorium on contraceptive methods! It sounds close to that other doctor is only laid-back.

If you're have trouble beside the clips but choice to remain sterilized, consequently the topical doctor should know how to cauterize your cut tubes. If he/she won't after find one who will or win an exact answer as to why they won't practice an alternative method of TL.

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