Why are so tons drastically childish girls already have sex?

I've seen several posts today from very infantile girls stating they were already sexually active... it really newly disgusts me.. they have NO idea how tons STD's there are, and how easily it is to exceed them on to people. Unfortunately, I learned the unyielding way.. and now I hold cervical cancer (HPV) I'm only 21.. and I contracted it when I was around 17 years old.. which is still way too young at heart to be having sex.. Can anyone tell me why these enormously young girls are having sex?

And FYI to you young at heart girls.. condoms don't protect against all STD's... you can still contract muloscum, genital warts, and even herpes.

How long should i waight to own sex?

I am so sorry something like the Cervical cancer.

More and more teens are having sex earlier and nearer because society is accepting it a little more. Listen to the music - "I wanna make love within this club" and other songs that make sex sound amazingly romantic and totally okay.

Also, look at the idol, the so called "role models". Jamie Lynn Spears is 16 and pregnant. She stars in Nickelodeons Zoey 101 - a show appealing to kids ages 7-15. Those are not role models.

At this rate, it's with the sole purpose going to get worse.

Yeast infection..why is it call that?

they are having sex because they have an idea that is the popular thing to do and they don't care for the consequences until is to belatedly
I'm very sorry that you are a carrier and it take a big person to come out and talk just about it God Bless you


i know!
its sick, why do it?

They're starting younger and younger, getting stupider + stupider.
wait untill you're AT LEAST 16 years old - but even consequently, you're a child!

i hate it!

Lybrel breakthrough bleeding?

I dont know either.. Girls babyish as 12 already having sex.. its sad. I believe parents inevitability to be more strict on kids nowdays.

Is it regular for it to hurt alot when you loose your virginity?

Can your menstral cycle shift after have sex?
Vaginal Discharge?
Please read...I entail your inference.?
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