Well i started my period roughly a year ago and well i havent have my period contained by about 2 months and in good health i heard that thats not regular and well i am panic and i dont know what it is because i havent you know done anything but get for a moment water within there when i be do u think that that is to say the problem cause i dont know how not to receive well u grasp the picture.

This sounds gross but is there a picture that will give a hand me.?

Go see a gynecologist, no one can relief you here.

Is it unhealthy or is within any health risks near having sex while on your extent?

oh hunny, your fine!.. i do that all the time.. it comes around.. but if it doesnt come for three months.. christen the doctor.. gross i know, but.. you never know..

What to do after a tramatic exzperiace ?

It's normal to be irregular when you first start your period. If you don't get it soon, consult a Dr. Its nought to worry in the order of.

Help Me!!!??

that happens to me too...i enjoy no clue whats wrong..i dont think near is a problem..maybe its newly irregular!

I need an belief preferably from a doctor!?

The water's probably not the problem. It's everyday for periods to be irregular for almost the first two years.
Have you lost a lot of shipment recently? If you hold, that may be the reason you haven't have your period within two months. When your Body Mass Index drops below a certain point, your body doesn't enjoy enough fleshy to support menstruation.

Is it starting?

you heard wrong...its faultlessly normal.espically if u of late got it a year ago..i be talking to my doctor the other sunshine and she said the last time she get hers was within december...your body is just going through change...but trust me its perfectly regular...you can go for months lacking getting it...i have friends who carry one or two a year...i wish i be that lucky...lol...but youe perfectly usual swettie...xoxo

Can tea tree oil products motive facial hair growth surrounded by women?

You periods can be slightly irregular up to a year and a partially after the first one starts. As long as pregnancy is absolutely not a possiblity, consequently you may have simply had a hormone hiccup. It happen to most ladies on the odd point. If you have be stressed, overtired, or started some new species of physical activity, or tried to diet severely, you can upset the system. It in general resets itself without any aid from you. If you are really worried, your first step would be to bring up to date you mom. She can make an appointment beside the doctor for an exam and treatment if it's needed. You didn't necessarily do anything, certainly nought wrong. As long as you haven't had sex at adjectives, then one pregnant is not a worry. Everything else is fixable, in some way. Quit stressing and tell your mom.

Birth control pill?

How prehistoric are you? Age has a great deal to do with it. Talk to a gyn..

Late darkness eating badhelp!?

ok. it is especially normal for a infantile woman to have irregular period. Stress and poor diet can also add to this, but skipping period is very usual. HAH.. I am aging and starting to skip periods because my hormones are slowing down, yours are jjust getting going, but we skip the extent for the same sense, our hormones arent steady.

I am not sure I completely understand your email, but I assume you are not sexually influential and have no occasion of being pregnant. I wont provide you the big lecture, thats what parents are for.

but seriously, if you are not have pain, and here is no chance of ebing pregnant I would not verbs, but I would talk to your mom and permit her know that you have skipped a few period. It might be wise to step ahead an get that first womans nouns and make sure adjectives is well by the doc. Its not so bleak.

good luck hon, and converse to an adult you trust, your parents, a elegant parent, the parent of a close friend you can trust. but it needs to be an full-size not another person your age. Maybe the institution nurse...


Female ejaculation?

Stress can do that.
Getting on the pill can do that.

If you recently moved contained by with another womanly who is the more dominant of the 2, your cycle may be getting in sync with hers.

I'm adjectives out of ideas. This not have a period entity kinda limits my culture. :)

How often does sexually influential women should take a Pap testing?

i've had my extent for over a year now, and my time of year times are still bouncing around, so i never know. but if you excercise excessively or don't eat, later you can't have a fighting fit period. or if you are stressed.

How can I exchange the day that I start my birth control pill cycle?

It might lately be the way your cycles are or it would be a hormonal problem. Id travel see your dr and possibly see an endocrinologist.

How do you develop the desire to eat right and exercise?

when you are young-looking they tend to be irregular... as long as you have one every 3 months you should be fine!! if you are concered step see a gyno
good luck

Is something wrong next to me?

well i had my term for a year. then it stopped and it have no reason to for two unharmed years! it was a blessing! lol. but the make happen for me was newly loss of weight and i be over active. budge to a gyny if u dont get it within a year. but dont panic.

I deduce I might have PCOS..?

your cool and if you want to engineer sure just jump see your doctor!

Bikini Wax?

your fine when you start for the first time it is not always usual it takes your body time to get hold of used to things

Pelvic pain?

it happen all the time, but dont dispense it too much thought, ull b fine, but if u dont get it for a few more months, consult a dr.

I don't know what is wrong near me. please help!?

I know how you consistency. Ever since I had a skatebording disaster (down there), my period have been irregular too. Now, I don't know in the region of the water item, maybe you're stressing out over nought. Don't worry. I'm sure it's typical, because I can't find anything else on it on the net.
Well, appropriate luck trying to solve that problem!

For how long can stress or worrying delay a time?

your fine honey.I know from experience. When I first started my period I could move about like four months minus one. i went and saw the gyno and he said that it be fine. Every now a after i can go almost a intact year without one. I also never know what mine is going to be close to. Heavy, short, little long...i just don't know. But your ok.simply to make sure though you might want to budge to a gyno. Just incase!

What do you actually do when you masterbate?

Periods can be slightly irregular up to a year and a partially after the first one starts. If you have be stressed, overtired, or started some new kindly of physical activity, or tried to diet severely, you can upset the system.

A dotor messed my breast up can i put something on the internet dictum not to go to her, or do I entail lawyer?

im not sure I completely take to mean all of your email but it is average to have irregualr period for the first 12-18 months. Your body is going through so many chnages and your hormones are trying to stability out. If you are not sexually active and are not contained by any pain I would vote try not to worry too much but I would insist on talking next to you mom if you can because periods own a lot of genetic connotaitons and conceivably she can give you some insight into what hers be like. Have you have a gyno visit but? Once you start your period it is a obedient idea to achieve started with regualr exams and if in that are any problems your doctor will be there to answer your question.

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