What is a hysterectomy?

what is a hysterectomy, who suffers from it, why do relatives suffer from hysterectomys

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A hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus. Sometimes solely the uterus, sometimes the on or both of the tubes/ovaries, cervix as powerfully.

There are several reason a woman might enjoy a hysterectomy: uncontrolled bleeding, cancer, fibroids and other feminine problems.

Im going to my 1st stop by to the Gynnecologist subsequent week?

It's the surgical removal of the womb, not a condition.

i a short time ago made my first appointment beside a gynocologist.immediately what?

You don't "suffer" from it, it's an operation to remove the womb, to fix other problems.

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It's an operation to remove the womb. Female hospital patients suffer from it because this is the price of better vigour.

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Hysterectomy is a surgical operation to sterilize.

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noone suffers from a hysterectomy, they suffer the after effects as it is a surgical procedure! it is done to remove chunk of or adjectives of the feminine reproductive system as a result of disease or syndrome. try googling the word and you will find lots of information on it.

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A hysterectomy is not a disease it is a treatment. It is where on earth the feminine reproductive organs are removed. As I am sure you can picture it is usually a later resort as I imagine it other make the woman incompetent to enjoy children.

I give the impression of being to recal women enjoy this if they bring cancer within their ovaries but I may be mistaken.

Ive be bleeding for over 2 months presently? woman ask or doctor?

A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the womb. Its not an ailment, its an operation

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hysterectomy is removal of the feminine uterus...usually due to cancer or fibroids......

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you dont suffer from a hysterectomy....its not a disease!
it method when a woman have her ovarys and womb removed, sometimes beause she dosent want any more children, but habitually because she have problems within her womb or ovarys or cancer or something, its a legally big operation

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People do not suffer from it, its an operation to remove the womb and if its a total hysterectomy it includes also the ovaries.

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It is a procedure of surgical removing the uterus.

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a hysterectomy is not a condition it is a procedure surrounded by which doctors remove a women's uterus, ovaries etc. women who attain hysterectomy's can suffer from adjectives different species of conditions, sorry i couldn't be more through

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It is an operation involving the removal of the womb. You can hold a total hysterectomy (ovaries, womb, cervix) or partial, of late womb or womb and cervix. It is not a medical condition you own the operation BECAUSE of a problem eg cancer, fibroids etc.

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latin word
ectomy-removal,removal of uterus

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It is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus and sometimes the ovaries and cervix. It is usually singular offered after adjectives other treatments enjoy be considered. Post -operative it is humiliated as adjectives patients will call for to ensure bed rest for at least possible two - three weeks and not do any brochure work or lifting for at smallest another ten weeks. Depending on the extent of your operation you may also hold to consider whether you very soon want to enjoy HRT
(Hormone Replacement Therapy) unrestricted. If this is a procedure you may inevitability your doctor - gynaecologist should know how to better inform you.
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MEANING : A hysterectomy is an operation to remove a woman's uterus (womb). The uterus is where on earth a toddler grows when a woman is pregnant. In some cases, the ovaries and fallopian tubes also are removed. These organs are located surrounded by a woman’s lower belly (see symbol below). The cervix is the lower conclusion of the uterus. The ovaries are organs that produce eggs and hormones. The fallopian tubes fetch eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.

Can PCOS near hormonal inconsistency be diagnosised after a complete hysterectomy?

"ectomy" on the completion of a medical residence money "removal of" which give a clue that it's not a condition. Rather, it is, as said in the past, the removal of the uterus or womb. There are different types: A Total Abdominal Hysterectomy is an operation perform through a surgical incision in the lower portion of the belly where on earth the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries are removed. The cervix is taken along beside the uterus and the vaginal burial chamber is closed. An abdominal hysterectomy is as above but the ovaries are preserved & so still produce the hormones in the body. A Vaginal operation is the removal of the uterus & cervix through the vagina and so not departing an abdominal wound. The operation is carried out for a few reason but once in a blue moon do women consider other alternatives.

what is it?

people cannot suffer from hysterectomy they do it because they want to. it is a form of sterility for sundry reason. they basically cut the fallopian tubes and tie the ends.

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Hysterectomy is removal of the womb, done for oodles reason, including endometriosis, fibroids, cancer and prolapses.

Removal of an ovary is call oopherectomy.

Removal of a fallopian tube is call salpingectomy.

Removal of both is salpingo-oopherectomy.

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its not a condition, its the removal of the uterus, resulting from severe problems

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