Ive been bleeding for over 2 months now? woman question or doctor?

I have my toddler 6 months ago and everything be common i get the depo after deliver and i didnt go and get my length until dec 5th, but it hasnt stoped, is not alot of bleeding a panty liner will do but im tered of it, it also smells even after lately taking a shower, ive see a doctor she give some pills she sayd it matching as the depo but within pills so i took them for 10 days it didnt work go to see another doctor he didnt even checked me and he said that it be because my strogen (or doesn`t matter what is called) is too stron that i entail to carry the depo every 8 weeks instead of 12.

i have the depo next to my other two kids and indistinguishable entry happen but it stoped when i took bcontrol pills.
anybody beside like problem? could i be allergic to the depo? please help


stomach anguish! skipped birth control pills, bleeding?

hormones are funny things and it sounds resembling you've be through the ringer beside this issue (2 docs and still no resolve)

enjoy you considered stopping the depo adjectives together and switching to a totally spanking new mode of birth control? try using a pill to be exact not similar to the depo might give a hand.

once you own a tot, your body is never the same-hormones included and if you are breastfeeding-this will alter your hormone level as okay.

as much as you may not want to hear this, i would switch doctor's again but this time try to find one that specializes in hormonal imbalance so possibly they can return with to the root of your problem. constant bleeding, no issue how minor have to be frustrating for you and not easy on your body too!! dealing beside that and have to transport exactness of somewhat one is taxing work.

i have my tubes tied surrounded by 2003 after my 3rd toddler and my cycle be never the same-i have stocky bleeding and it last for weeks at a time-tried the pill to regulate it and it didnt give support to. i finished up have surgery to stop my period for well brought-up which could be an likelihood for you if you don't want any more children (i enjoy 3-that's adequate lol!!)

right luck to you!!

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i be put on the pill 6 mts ago and bled stale and on ever since. i freakin would spot at any time and would hold a almost term and after the physical piece. markedly frustrating. carry stale the birth control!
pass your body a break from hormones. to be exact what i arranged to do.
i should be starting a contemporary pack of pills today and i will not.
this bleeding this is our bodies track of rejecting the hormones!

I hold have my time but it wasn't as long?

My cousin have a child surrounded by June and go through the exact same item. She be bleeding something like a month after she have her toddler. Finally, after 7 months, the doctors told her she needed a D&C, and she have be fine after that.

Hope this help.

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