Will the Cyst on my Right Ovary Cause any pain or harm to My baby?

I am eight weeks pregnant and I hold be have horrible stomach cramps and when I go to the hospital I be told I enjoy a cyst on my right ovary which is extraordinarily small he said, but still cause me niggle. When I am contained by anguish does this irritates or affects the little one? and Will they ever dance away or will I enjoy to hold them remove up to that time or after my tot is born?

In my nearest and dearest my grandmother on my mother side is specified for have cyst problems and she other enjoy to enjoy them removed. Will this arise to me to since it happen to my grandmother and What will surface to my Baby?

Girls: What brand of Pads or Tampons do you use?

Your pregnancy will probably build it step away. It will not do your little one any problems unless it get fundamentally voluminous. I hold have them as big a golf ball past and they eventually ruptured on at hand own. Yes here be some strain. Tylenol will help out. Thats going on for adjectives you can steal while you are pregnant. I'm pregnant, too, and that is to say adjectives I can cart. It's better than nil.

Question going on for my time ((Only ladies answer please))?

It may not be a cyst,consult a gynecologist pl.

Why does the condom find stuck surrounded by my vagina after sex?

This is definitly something to ask your doctor, basically to product sure. You don't want anything to come about. Goodluck

Sex drive enhancer for women?

Talk to your doctor.I know of a familial contestant that have a cyst on the ovary and the tot be okay.However please see your doctor.

I completed my pregnancy at 17 weeks near an abortion due to fetal anomoly.?

pray that it go away i pray for your babys sake do here i canada they remove it until that time your tot dies or the poison leak surrounded by to your blood stream and affects your babe you really should progress support to the hospital and see another doctor

Any Women who have the Depo birth contol. plz assist?

i hold cystic ovaries and pregnancy should raison d`??tre it to shift away. probably it formed beforehand you be pregnant. you are smaller number expected after your pregnancy to develop cysts if you are breastfeeding because of the hormone level surrounded by your body. a monophasic birth control after you enjoy the tot will give support to to control your cysts, preferably one beside the shortened time of deskbound pills, because the longer you don't hold the hormones surrounded by your system the more prospect your body have to form cysts. triphasic pills are silly because the hormone even change every week so they don't control the cysts as okay.

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