Any Women who had the Depo birth contol. plz help?

hey, i be on the depo for 6 months. i stoped immediately 7 months after that my cycle wont ever stop i've be bleeding for olden times 7 months. i enjoy a doctors appt on mon...but does anyone know how long it will lug to clear up?

GIRLS Only!!!!!Or Women?

This happen to me roughly speaking four years ago,I started bleeding after stopping the Depo shot (I be trying for another baby)I bled for five months straight minus stopping my Iron count be so low the it didn't register,my GYN be within shock.I terminated up going to the ER and I have to enjoy an emergency hysterectomy the ER doctor told me if I would hold wait another 24 hours I would hold died. So grasp to an emergency room at once.

Period facilitate?

I find this deeply surprising because on the depo you dont usually own any bleeding. I be on it for 7 years and have no bleeding at adjectives. Do you enjoy regular smears? At lowest possible you are at the docs on Monday hopefully you'll receive it sorted out.

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I suspect that it may be an adverse antipathy to the sudden stoppage of the hormones. I used depo for years minus any problem; however when I stopped using it, I go straight to the pill, so I be promptly regulated and own never have a problem.

I hope that your doctor have positive fresh for you subsequent week. Good luck.

Very grotesque?

I've never hear of anyone that be on Depo to enjoy that big a problem...I did bleed for a month straight though.....I preference I could support...I hope it's zilch primary when you shift to the doctor.....Good Luck!!

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