I gave up smoking 14 mths. ago, how long can i expect to consistency anxious and unwell for?


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Well i am going to ask you a Q first
How long were you smoking for?
And how several packs a morning?
I know how difficult it is because i used to smoke too.
and i had to quit cold turkey.
really sturdy
but it depends on those two things.
extend your question...
so i can aid more
but it depends how long and how many because sometimes that consciousness wont go away

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You should not still be experiencing subtraction symptoms 14 months later. Nicotine is out of your system in just about 7 days. Maybe the anxious and unwell feelings are adjectives in your boss cause they can't be physical... and if you conjecture they truly are, you should probably go to your doctor

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it varies next to the individual. how long did you smoke for? u made the right decision so sooner or latter, it will disappear. just dont pick up any other bleak habits to treaty with the anxiety. moral lluck

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I gave up smoking years ago, but even in a minute I get the peculiar urge to have a puff. I don't guess it ever leaves you. Try not to think almost it. There'll be a no smoking blanket ban soon. The one and only place of temptation will be outdoors.

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You should not feel anxious and unwell. If you do something else is going on. See your doc and find out what is going on.


That should hold been over a long time ago. You should aim some kind of treatment because the smoking cessation is no longer the problem if it ever was.

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I would own thought that the ill effects hold gone by now. When you speak unwell I would get that checked, it conceivably that perhaps you are fancy depressed rather than the renunciation symptoms of tobacco..

Go see ya gp and have a chat, you may entail some therapy to assist woth those feelings

good luck and very well done for kicking the habit

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After this time, if you still feel resembling that, it might be wise to make conversation to your doctor.

Write it down, exactly how do you feel. All the time, or periodically, how regularly, what triggers it, etc, ( any other health problems.)

*Good luck..


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You will feel that means of access as long as you expect to. You will feel differently when you start to expect to quality differently. So take a minute and visualize yourself attitude exactly how you want to feel.
When you undertake that, celebrate it ! That is adjectives there is to it. The directive of attraction states that the more you focus on anything, the more of it you will get. It is adjectives up to you.

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Wow! Congratulations. I am also an ex-smoker. 7 years now. I quit cold turkey using the candy method. I ate alot of candy to out loud fixate myself. But, it worked. It is not easy to overcome but if you stopped to be precise great. Getting over the effects of smoking can take time, evidently. You should really be feeling better. I suggest drinking more hose and getting some fresh air. I know when I stopped I be constantly coughing up a lung and my doctor told me it was my lungs clearing out the gunk. That last for about a year. Now I can piece things more and smell better, which isn't always a biddable thing, and my skin even looks better. I really can't stand the smell of smoke at the moment. I am so sensitive to it. I don't try to preach to people but it really is so unpromising for your body to be a smoker. Good job and don't verbs, you can only start notion better.

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i give up smoking
2160 hours ago .but i do not call what i touch anxious and unwilling
i go to produce little mini sand witches many times a light of day.each time i ponder of a cigarette
i go do some thing
i miss them .i gain some weight ,but not worried something like that,
food having different taste
i be worn ed keep away of friends who smokes
and i believe that's right
keep away of smokers

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Bit doubtful if giving up smoking is your only problem. Physical addiction to nicotine is over in a few days. Although psychological addiction can keep at it almost indefinitely, I would not expect the symptoms to be very significant at this postponed stage.

I suggest you chat with your GP roughly how you are feeling, he may propose help.

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I give up a 5 pack a day obsession after smoking for 55 years.

I felt close to crap for about 14 months.

I do cardoi/pulmanory rehab which I infer makes a big difference

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I hold also given up smoking 14 months ago i also feel anxious but otherwise i touch brilliant i thought the anxiety was cause by hrt
You should see a doctor for advice because you shouldn`t be inkling unwell now
I don't focus its anything to do with giving up smoking its more than credible something else

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You should be feeling able-bodied and normal at this stage. All of the nicotine is gone from your system - hold you other stresses in your life span that could be making you feel similar to this, to be honest i don't think these symptoms are from giving up the dreaded weed.
Congrats on your realization, i'm still trying !

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