Is my big sister okey?

my big sis has a 7 years frail daughter meaning it's be long ever since she breast fed and from consequently on, she's never been pregnant. The problem here is that she have a boil under her arm pits as a result of poor shaving and she say it really hurts and that her breasts hurt as well. Not just are the breasts hurting but they are also releasing milk after a long period of give or take a few 5-6 yrs ago when she last breast feed. Could this be that she has a problem or it's freshly some normal piece that's happening coz of the boil, does she involve medical attention, pliz help, am worried.

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Your sister is a big girl and should KNOW she requirements to see the doctor. Yes, it probably has to do beside the infection (the boil is a bad infection) and it have probably affected her milk ducts.

She desires to be seen.

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is there a possibility that she could be pregnant? the milk may hold nothing to do near the boil.

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i don't know, but i have a lump like that and it hurt and it made my boobs hurt too, but here was no breast milk...idk. i be fine, mine went away within about 2ish weeks. gain better!

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She should talk to a doctor, but it have nothing to do near the boil, almost certainly. Don't verbs, it's probably fine.

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is that really milk.. u may cosult a doctor before the sepsis spread

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It could be a massively serious problem within the lymph nodes. SHe desires to get to a doctor IMMEDIATLY.

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tell her she needs to filch a pregnancy test it sounds resembling shes pregnant. boils do not come from poor shaving but rather putting on deordant right after shaving beneath her arms or from and infected cut she once had. i own had boils below my arms a couple times.she can go to the doctor and the doctor will prescribe her some pills she can lift to get rid of the infection beneath her arm. she may want to switch deordants to a more mild one so she doesnt get a boil again from that deordant shes immediately using.

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She desires to see a doctor. Please encourage her to budge, besides the pain of the boil, she may be have other problems.

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