Can these be signs of anemia?
i get dizzy when i stand up or stuff close to that and i had fruitless cramps.Could I have anemia or sumthing else i also dont know if im prego?
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getting dizzy when you stand up is a sign of pregnancy. some signs of anemia are: tiredness, bruising well, and weakness.
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see a doctor for sure, but one sign of anemia is if you verbs down the skin under your eye and nearby is a lack of pigment. In otherwords, it should be a nice stout red, if it is more pale pinkish, it is a sign of anemia. You only just need more iron (spinach is honourable for that)This is not clear symptoms for Anaemia.
Acommon symptoms of Anaemia these include:
tiredness, lethargy, opinion faint, becoming effortlessly breathless.
Less common symptoms include: headache, palpitations, altered taste, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
You may look dim.