When i have intorcourse it burns in the inside does anyone know what this could be?

what can i appropriate to hold an lovely sex


Are my period run of the mill?

Hi There; Sounds as if perchance irritation from to much friction, especially if your partner uses a condom. Condoms are severely moral and serve control STD's and unwanted pregnancies, simply didn't want you to believe I be inferring condoms weren't a dutiful entity. Having explained this, condoms to tend to formulate the inside of the vagina irritated or somewhat rare next to frequent intercourse. Also could be a yeast infection, enjoy you taken antibiotics lately, surrounded by former times 2 months or so? If so munch through yogurt everyday for roughly 7 days. Also monist ate cream is excellent to clear up yeast infections which is a fungus. Other cause include, douching, bathing in bubble bath, both can be irritates to the vagina as all right as the urethra (urinary opening). If you own not experienced any of these scenario, it's time to visit a Ob/Gyn doctor.

I have some dreams give or take a few se.x?

Chlamydia? Could also be Vaginismus, http://www.vaginismus.com/vaginismus-sym...
I suggest you budge see a doctor...

Good luck!

Why a virgin will not bleed after intercourse?

If u use condoms, use the latex free class.
Use aloe vera to wipe with
Douche with mild applecider vinegar douches.
U may call for to receive some lubricant, try olive grease or canola grease

They don't act pap test on virgins!?

This would be something to take home an appointment near your gynecologist to discuss. Some women are allergic to their partner's sperm or you could be allergic to latex rubber contained by the condoms if your partner uses condoms or if in attendance is a spermacide cream used, afterwards you could be allergic to that. Or it could be something else entirely. If you are allergic to latex, afterwards be sure and inform them that if you ever move about into the hospital, where on earth they use latex gloves (and latex catheters after surgery).

Ladies, do approaching to be on top or on bottom?

If you lone enjoy the burning during intercourse next try lubricant,KYjelly possibly. If you also own the burning during urination next you could hold a infection, dance to the doctor

Diane 35 and PCOS?

Sounds close to an STD..See your Dr. ASAP !!

Negative blood exam any accidental of one pregnant?

You may own a yeast infection.

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