PLEASE GIRLS ONLY! I'm really jumpy more or less getting my time.?

Any advice im really nervous

When's the best time to experiment FSH, LH, Testosterone & Pregesterone level when you own irregular menstruation?

use a wipe for the first few times it
is better. and dont worry it doesnt hurt or anything
you might get cramps but youve probably have those
before and they arent that bad. Really it happen
to every girl and it will be fine, and i take birth
control not for the obivious reason but because
it help your period, but wait for that till you acquire
a little older. GOOD LUCK :)

Lost my time of year after intense exercise?

It depends on what aspect you're restless about. If it's dealing with it when it comes, other keep panty liner/sanitary towel/tampax in your purse. If it makes you feel better you can keep hold of a spare pair of knickers in nearby too, no one has to know.

There is zilch to be nervous about I promise, you might experience some stomach discomfort but many girls do. Also you can "feel" that you are on your period so within is no chance it will soak through everything you're wearing before you realise. And as I said above if you preserve something in your bag adjectives of the time then you won't have to verbs.

Girls answer...Pleasure or Protection?

girl claim down seriously its not that bad..just keep hold of a pad and a panty liner with u at adjectives time like in ur purse and within ur bookbad make a little term kit to keep contained by ur book bag or locker just within case u get it at academy. like have a few pad in there preserve and extra pair of underwear in here just in casing u start and it gets all over that process u can clean urself up in the bathroom and everything will be ok...u can bring meds in the office or hold some in ur purse and just be claim k? i hope this help and soon gurl u will be a women good luck

How do u control the twinge when u enjoy your peroid?

Hi! You don't need to be bashful at all.

I am 23, and I've had my term regularly since I was 13, and it's not so bad at adjectives.

Sometimes you might have some cramps during the first day or two, but those are unproblematic to get rid of with Advil or Midol.

Other than that, you scarcely even know it's happening!


well - adjectives of us girls go through it so you're not alone -we can all relate. if you cant chitchat to your mom or trusted adult about this, walk buy a box of playtex. on the box they offer info like a book and video give or take a few questions you have and option to help make it easier. the more you know, the smaller quantity you'll be scared.

Yeast Infection?

I was impossible to tell apart way when I was younger.I've have a period now for something like 8 years now, and it seriously isn't a big deal.yeah it sucks and its a bind, but hey.ya gotta deal with it. Don't be scared, it'll be OK.

Plastic sugery comfort! tummy tuck.?

hun, its nothing to get worried roughly speaking. its just your body letting you know that you can have babies. everyone deal with it at one point or another. im sure your friends will/have and plus your mom. you have so much support around you.

Nudity and innapropriate teacher?

very well if your worrried about getting it for the first time,dont worry,it ussully comes surrounded by the morning
if u have gotten before a moment ago wear panty liners

Is within any posibility of a women getting pregnant lacking have sex besides fertilizers and stuff??

It's no big deal! Only be worried if the doc tell you that you have endometriosis! I have it! Your duration will suck if you do!!

What is the reson for my past due time of year..not pregnant?

w8 1st of all, did u evr get it b4 or r u alarmed of wen u'll get it again?

Could I start my extent soon?

Why? it's a normal stage of one a women. You have to live with it!

Can a girl obtain pregnant from masturbating?

What are pap smear used for to detect ? Beside stds?
Im on my term on holiday :(?
What would effect bleeding after sex?
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  • How can i lose inches more so than shipment, especially upper body( stern, stomach, arms, bra fat)?

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