How exactly does the g-spot differ from the rest of the vaginal tissue?

in writ to recognise it... is it similar to a comical principal injury (the red plump), or are here tinier charactheristics?

im in class 11 and i still haven't developed full breasts, what do i do?

I have found that the easiest instrument to find the G-spot is to insert a finger..or two...(or three) into the vagina beside the tips facing upward toward the belly. And give or take a few two inches or so inside one may quality a lump give or take a few the size of a small walnut. This is the spot. It is not the easiest piece to find on a woman as I own found the size does alter between them. When found you will know it as I hold see women newly more or less bounce out of bed and others may in recent times moan next to pleasure. I enjoy see women bring back no wetter to have women if truth be told squirt out surrounded by great great amounts. THAT is other a merriment for me..
[email protected]

1 week 2 days slowly on my length?

Its a different texture compared to everthing else.

I inevitability helpim have insightful pains in my stomach14 feminine?

.and abundantly more sensitive.kinda approaching the glans of the penis
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