Sex before nuptials?

why does sex before marital kick up such a stink beside loads of people, i dont really focus having sex near anyone is right, but if your in a loving relationship i dont see the problem.
what do you consider?

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sex before matrimonial is silly i think envision.. your with a guy for close to 8 years never had sex... on the celebratory night you enjoy been looking forward to for that long and your adjectives turned on and ready for it.. and u find he have a very tiny penis or have no idea what he's doing and the full things just crap.

and you in a minute have to spend the rest of your duration with him ... haha. sucks.

but hey some ppl own really religious beliefs. i mean my boyfriends parents domt believe within sex before conjugal.. which is why they cant find out...

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i agree that if ur in a lloving relationship here shouldnt be a problem, some people have need of to come into the 21st century

can u ask why u dont think have sex with anyone is right ?

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If have sex wasn't allowed you wouldn't be here!!
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it's the religious police! live your own life

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sex until that time marrage is OK but just build sure you are not late for the service.

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Marriage is a social construct designed to keep the poor, stupid and feckless working classes in we really want more of these social misfits in our society?...possibly it's not such a bad entry to coax them into believing that they should wait...

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Sex before conjugal is a Must. what happens when you marry the soul and on the wedding hours of darkness - you find out that you just dont approaching bonking that person.

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I don't judge sex before marraige is right. I deduce that sex is a really personal thing. It is where on earth they share their own lives.

There are limits to which a human being can give and recieve morale through time.

I don't know whether people fathom out my answer.

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it's hogwash, sex has be around sinse day one, it's valid and it's physical, marriage is a man made phrase that have no real physical substance.

Meaningless sex between two people that don't meticulousness is of no concern to me. I sleep with who I want when I want, if I choose, and that's a big if

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if two populace people love respectively other then it can be a special point. when you start sleeping around and cheapening the whole entity you spread diseases and thats what causes a stink. It make the whole experience distasteful as you end up getting a reputation!

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LMAO @ silly gorbie and mrs g...lmao omg...

anyway...i used to have an idea that id lurk until marriage...immediately i wish i have just wait for the right person...i dont believe that sex up to that time marriage is wrong as long as you are contained by a loving good relationship and as long as both participant are willing to adopt and handle the risks of sex

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I was interested to see that this ask was classified as "Health" !
I ponder what worries people is not so much "sex earlier marriage" but "irresponsible sex before marriage", i.e. one-night stands, soaring rates of STDs, unwanted babies, abortions and so on.
My grandparents lived together, as man and wife for adjectives the World knew, for various years, unwed, because gramps was still married; within was no passageway then that he could enjoy got a divorce; you have to wait till your spouse died past you could remarry. I have no problem near that situation at all, nor next to people who prefer not to generate a legal written commitment to respectively other - their lives, let them achieve on with it.

Nausea! abet!?

Hey Hunny
I agree with you,if you love respectively other and are truely in love afterwards fair plenty.Dont go round sleeping next to anyone.
Ive had sex im not married i dont make a contribution a dam.
Sex is fitting,if you got mr right later fair plenty :P

I just give myself a hickey?

why dont you think have sex is right

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The reason why is next to generations rather older than us it be frowned upon some thing you did not do as it would confer your family a doomed to failure name. Also if you get pregnant out of wed lock you would be taken away while you had the child of sin and after you would be kicked out of the boarding school or convent you have been sent to so you would own to fend for yourself as your family would never adopt you back surrounded by the home as far as your family would be concerned you died the afternoon they sent you away to have the child of sin. Hope this help answer your question.

I obligation HELP.FAST!?

The way I see it is this, you can live minus sex, as long as your still a virgin. Once you loose your virginity you'll soon discover the desire for it much more. I'm not saying that you enjoy to sleep with everyone, lol, but I guess you'll find most people hold 'experience' before they are married immediately. And this day and age it's agreed.

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if you are old plenty and you are really in love beside your partner that you are BOTH ready to give somebody a lift care of a toddler, you can have sex why not. they mostly stress for no sex, because the people involved are mostly at a young at heart age not grown enough to thieve care of their newborn and end up doing abortions. or call a halt up single mothers, because their partner leave them. you enjoy to use your mind and see in which stage your realtionship is.

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My husband and I didn't have sex back marriage and we regard that it is better not to. For a full and really readable explanation read Christopher Wests 'The Good News about Sex and Marriage.'

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i be with my bf 4 100s of yrs lol no really 7 anyway im 12 wks preg we be liveing together abd everything now im preg my mum requirements us to marry why should we marry when other ppl want us too and we are happy ?

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Sex until that time marriage shouldnt be a big article - I mean, pothole men didnt have little weddings, neither do animals...


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