Frequent UTIs, kidney infections?

Does anyone have any suggestion to avoid frequent UTIs/kidney infections?

I've had four UTIs surrounded by a two years, and 2 of those have turned to kidney infections. The doctor say there's nil I can do to prevent them. Does anyone have any guidance? I drink a lot of hose (I'm allergic to cranberries), wipe front to back, and be in motion to the bathroom before and after sex. I'm not sure if it make a difference or not, but my husband and I are trying to have a kid.

Does anyone else have this problem?

I hold no curves! 16 yrs 87 lb 5'4! No breast no butt no bra no period!!?

You're doing things right. Sometimes no thing what you do you still get them. You and your husband could also try wash your genitalia before sex and brushing your teeth. You should dry-clean after as well. Since you can't bear cranberry, take vitamin C, it also make the urine more acidic.
I've be given antibiotics to take one after every time I own sex. It seems to be working so far. You might want to sermon to your doctor about that if nought else works.

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Aside from the cranberry liquid, you're doing everything recommended to prevent UTI's.

Girls.need ur advicesex query?

I got freq. UTIs when pregnant. You are doing everything right. Lemonade is also importantly acidic and biddable for that.

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i used to hold that problem, and during one of my many visit to the er for it, one doctor told me to drink about 3 beers every week. i know it sounds simple but it works! it keep my urinary tract flushed out. however if you get pregnant that solution wouldn't work for you . but within the mean time you could try it - perfect luck

Depo shot?

Look at prebiotic and probiotic supplements to help the right microbes grow in your stomach and intestines. If possible, cut down or avoid sugars. Use Stevia in place.

Try homeopathy.

Hey doctors?

Have your hubby to wipe up his weiner off in the past sex (they just shake it bad you know) and don't lick and stick (don't make me explain) and for faithfulness sake wash your hand (both of you).

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You should consult your gynecologist just about it and have your kidney's not a worthy sign to have those infections habitually. Drink coconut juice. It's one of the best preventive liquid for UTIs.

What goes on at the gynecologist's organization?

You need to see a urologist and not simply a family practice physician. Have they done a cystoscope? There is other a reason for UTI's especially since you are trying to do everything right.The receptionist that works for us suffered for years beside reccurent UTI's and saw a uro, had a latitude and found out she has a small urethra. Very simple answer. She have a dialation once a yr and has not have a UTI in 2 yrs. Good luck to you !

Could I be pregnant?

If you have frequent UTIs some even resulting to infections, then you have need of to be worked up. maybe you enjoy kidney stones which are small yet to mete out any obstruction or symptom and it is surrounded by these stones where the germs are hiding. Maybe your urine is too alkaline favorable to the bacteria. You may enjoy cysts in the kidneys that you aren't aware of. In short, do not be contented near what your doctor told you that there is nought you can do about it. You necessitate a thorough workup by a nephrologist perhaps to establish the impose especially that you plan to have a toddler making you more prone to UTIs when you become pregnant and eventually this will not be good for your toddler too.

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