I just give myself a hickey?

lol. okk. i was sittin on the computer bored and i a moment ago randomly started chewing and sucking on my appendage. and the nxt thing i know, in that is this HUGE red spot on my hand. And i thought it be just cuz i be biting on it but it didn't go away. lol. my mom is out of town and coming rear legs tomorrow. i do not want her thinking i had boys over!! she will never trust me again!! WHAT DO I DO?!!

Do birthing ball give you bigger hips?

I doubt she would presume a boy would give you a hicky on your appendage! I am a Mom and believe me there are other places a boy would fairly give you a hicky. Relax

A stuffed-bra situation, HELP PLEASE.?

Just share her you whacked it on a doorknob or something. By tomorrow, it'll just look close to a regular bruise. I doubt she'd even notice unless you're shoving your foot in her frontage.

Inflammation in privates?

Noble theory here, try the truth, sure she'll laugh, but you gotta own up

Last time i got period after having pills and again not getting it?

run cold marine over it. And do you really think your mom would give attention to you had boys over if it be on your hand and not anywhere else?

What would a morning after pill do to a guy?

wear a sweater or a long sleve shirt...damn ur screwed

YaSmIn "The Pill"?

i do that adjectives the time when im boared and i dont even notice it but i dont know how to win rid of it but it should b gone by tomorow cuz mine dont stay there outstandingly long at all

Can a UTI bring you to be late on your interval?

might as well hold boys over lol

Whats a yeast infection?

I don't think your mom will estimate anything bad in the region of it if you tell her the truth..guys usually don't turn around making hickeys on girl's hands

I want to receive a full body massage but i don't want to be topless be can i go?

Tell her the truth, besides what boy would want to suck your paw? If you had boys over I am sure they would not enjoy left a hicky on your foot. Your mom will know this. Please be serious, lol.

Is there a ** pill?

just communicate her the truth im sure she will believe you cuz guys dont usually give hickeys on girls hand nyway

What should I do? (girls only please)?

put some toothpaste on it (leave it on), the bruise will come out brighter but will budge away sooner

Hair help please?

hickeys are solely on your neck. she wouldnt reflect on some guy started sucking on your hand unless you dipped your foot in honey

Why can't my husband gain me pregnant?

just cover it up with coverup.

EXtremly tired?

I'm sure that your mom won't reflect on anything of it. People don't really get hickeys on hand. It's not that creative of a place to get it. It take a few days to go down. If you're that concerend after put some concealer over it and that should cover it up for the time being. Your mom probably would merely laugh if she found out. It's technically a bruise so it will be a while until that time it fades, but don't verbs. It's your neck that you obligation to worry give or take a few in the adjectives! Just be careful of those "boys"... ;-)

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