Alesse Birth control.?

After 7 years with horrible period (irregularity, extreme pain, heavyness) I be put on the pill. I was on Tri-cyclen-Lo, immediately I am on Yazmin. Neither have done anything for me. I am still getting horrible cramps and headache and every other symptom pain increased x100. I am still irregular and unhealthy and unpredictible. I have talk talked to my doctor, he put my on Allesse. I start it subsequent week.

Does Alesse work better than the others or should I give up and request to see a gynocologist?

Note: In Ontario, Canada, the Family doctor/General Practictinor does everything (in as gynacological sense). Women are merely referred to gynocologists under sure circumstances.

Why am I having more frequent period?

The only method youre going to b a ble to tell if it works for u is to try it. I used several back I finally settled on one. A few suggestions would be to try a bc that is difficult in estrogen or one that have no estrogen at all close to a progestrin pill. I would go this route it sounds similar to you r intolerant to estrogen, me 2.

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