Why are boys afread to settle to me?

I want to have boy friends, but it seem that boys are afread of me. They start to studder and act solid shy. My friends tell me because boys are resembling that and because I'm so good looking it make them afread. How do I make boy friends? Thanks

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That is simply teenagers for you. just you skulk and in a few years you will not be capable of get rid of adjectives the boys chasing you around.

I need suggestions please!?

please be yourself and the right guy will come similar to a prince on a white horse

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If u are so good lookin as you vote i can only think one thing! they method u look them (and dont look) and generally the instrument you act make them think you are snob and so they settle on not to flirt you!

More from urgent plaese help?

They aren't afraid. Just probably shy. I don't know your age group, but I would assume that you are chitchat about hasty teens. In which case you may own to give it some time because boys ripened at a slower rate then girls.

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If guys act shy and stutter around you next it's probably because they find you very attractive. Nothing intimidates a man more than a wonderful woman. I think the best entry you can do in demand to get guys to parley to you is to make the first move. If you see someone that you're interested in shift up to him and start talking to him. Make him the focus of your conversation (pay him a compliment, show him that you're interested in what he's discussion about) and once you've managed to break the rime a little bit I'm sure that the guy will gain a short time bit of confidence and start acting normal around you.

I hope this help.

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Dear, May be the ppl afraid to articulate with you be friendly near boys... I m also searching a girl friend so if u similar to so we will make along relationship..

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try to get them to have a word by be a better listener

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A man usually "assumes" that because a woman is pretty she have lots of other boyfriends.He doesn't want to be embarrassed by putting his mood in the spread out and being refuse.Try to be the first to open a apathetic conversation in a relaxed posture.And don't forget to be careful of what you want,you might achieve it.

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Many guys will not approach a good-looking girl because they are afraid of getting shot down. If this is the overnight case, you shouldn't rely on them to make the first move. I used to hold this problem too. What worked for me was I have to get over my own shyness and fashion the first contact. If you are a shy person don't verbs if you go up to a guy you are interested in he probably won't distinguish and could be just as scared as you are. If you aren't shy then you should hold no problem making the first move. Good luck with your man hunting!

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