Please serve me! im really embarrased to be asking this...?

I think i mite enjoy a yeast infection...or something idk. but im only 14...i be wondering what is a normal age for a girl to enjoy her first "infection" i to say. and im really really embarrased and i dont know how to approach it or give an account my mom. please help me, idk what to do or how to ask. and am i too infantile to have one?
pls help


Breast issues..?

males n females can receive them at any age. even as an infant. there isnt an age reduce on it. it can b caused by wearin panties adjectives the time. not cleanin properly. eating too much starchy foods. sex. wearing too tight of pant. all sorts of things no unease needed. u need to tell her ..bc but for treated it can cause other issues. so convey her n she can go to the store n draw from ur something to clear it up. just formulate sure u watch the things i name off. ull b ok it wont b the second one u get surrounded by ur life trust me

I own missed my period for the go by 7days and i don't have any symptoms ,usually when will this symptoms star

You can obtain an infection at any age. Even baby's can seize yeast infections. If you think something is wrong chitchat to your mom and she will decide if it might be an infection or not. She will probably lift you to see the doc just to be not dangerous.

Will it affect anything?

You can get a yeast infection at any age. Don't verbs about how aged you are when you get it! Just be honest next to your mom and tell her, so she can lug you to the Doctor to check whether you have one or not. It's moderately normal a woman usually get at least one yeast infection in her lifetime.

If i own a yeast infection and i feel similar to its over.?

That's like dictum you're too embarrased to tell you mom you're a girl! She have more of them then she'll effort to share. But, surely you wouldn't rob her of her motherhood thrill of educating you on this milestone in life?

One of my ovaries is sophisticated up then the other does anyone enjoy this? Does it cause any problems?

No ur not too childlike at all. I guess it could touch a little unconventional to tell ur mom so ask some friends if they own some ointment first, afterwards if they dont u can buy some urself online or something. but try to keep that nouns very thoroughly clean

WHat could this bequestions something like female time of month?

It's completely nothing to be confused about! It doesn't business what age you are, you can still get one, and your mother will take in this. Eat some yogurt and talk to your mother.


You should run and talk to your mom, or possibly one of your teachers.


Bad PMT after miscarriage - please back!?

i think you should communicate to your mom. while it probably isn't, it might be serious, and you might need her oblige. she WILL understand. you don't know until you try.
hope this help

Has anyone ever had probs next to Mirena coil?

No you are not to young and should not be disconcerted to tell your mom it is not a bleak thing

I am starting to obtain bumps were my breasts are going to be but i do not hold breasts yet i am nine ,inborn?

well idk but i suggest u to tell ur mom its ok to relate ur mom about menstruation and if u do speak about mom u can help u self too by check within with the doctors

Can someone describe me what PMDD is, someone said i might have it, though it sounds a bit worrisome to have (i'm 14)

tell your mom and she should enjoy you checked out with a doctor..don't verbs..this is a thing that a doctor can steal care of...well brought-up knows best..p.s. you are old-fashioned enough to hold a lot of fully fledged problems..

What is socio-environmental issues?

first of all are you sexually moving? (i hope not)
ask you mom, don't worry, she's your mom...
simply don't conclude that you own a yeast infection, tell her that you conjecture something is wrong, and go to your pediatrician and ask her just about it...together with your mom.

Vaginal Thrush?

Don't freak, it's a adjectives problem. Just go to the drugstore and look on the shelves, I'm sure you'll find something to relief you correct it. Your stress over it could cause it to find worse, but you'll be fine.

My period be due yesterday and have be feeling crampy since finishing Saturday what could be going on?

Honey, babies get yeast infections. There is nil to be embarressed about. Actually they are pretty common when it is thaw because you sweat, and wear swim suits, etc...

Just go up to you mother and make clear to you you think that you might enjoy a yeast infection. There are over the counter creams that you can get at the store, and engineer sure that you clean the nouns. Don't wear the same swimsuit over and over lacking first washing it. You are lucky if this is your first at 14. I hold on to the cream in my daughter's bathroom so she doesn't even enjoy to say anything to me. Your mother is a woman and she's not going to give attention to bad of your or pull somebody`s leg you.

Good Luck.

Pain in my downstairs?

Your not too young. I bet your really really itchy and it's red and stings when you pee.
Tell your mum. she will serve you and you need to buy a thrush cream from the chemist. some girls acquire thrush when they are ovulating and are between periods.

Try to not wear knickers, so fresh nouns can reach it.
If you don't want to say-so anything, buy youghurt with that stirring bug in it (It'd call something like acphysilis or something close to that). Dip a tampon in the youghurt and insert. It is messy though, so use pad as well.

But you should recount your mum.

A friend of mine had sex and discovered two days subsequent the condom was still within there?

No, basically go convey your mom, your mom im sure has be through this before. This sorta piece happens, later thing she would want to know is that your to embarrased to relate her. You should go presently and tell her. Worst point you could do is ignore any problem.

Yasmin - Miscarriage?

Tell mom. You didn't do anything wrong. You can run to a drug store and get Monostat (sp? Monistat) stale the shelf (no prescription). If your embarassment prevents you from taking care of this, the consequences are going to be far worse.

Endometriosis and Lupron?

Unfortunately, woman efficiently get them...antibiotics, tight clothing, wearing raining bathing suits for extended periods, etc., etc. You must capture appropriate help, it solitary gets worse and does not alleviate itself. Your mom would be exactly who you should go to...She'll gain you an appt w/a doc and you'll be on your way backbone to feeling great.

Does thickness make a difference?

a yeast infection can be cause by many things similar to too tight of clothing or a reaction to unquestionable types of soap -or not wiping properly after urination-or lasting toilet paper can create it -never be afraid to discuss this with ur mom it is crucial to take perfect care of your strength -and anyone at any age can get a yeast infection- so agree to your mom know it will be ok

Help. period.?


Me and my kith and kin are going to a water park but?

You aren't too youthful.
There are a number of cause.

Yeast itches. A lot. You won't want to do anything but itch.
It also feels "warm". Like you're sitting in a warm puddle.

Tell your mom. She wishes what's best for you. Parents often surprise us next to understanding when we expect they're gonna freak.

Or, don't tell her. Planned Parenthood will treat you for free short telling your parents. If you hold health insurance and a regular doctor, they won't enlighten either.

What are girls physican/ check up similar to?

I'm a nursing student, and it's not unusual for someone your age to have a yeast infection. If you are have a lot of vaginal itching and rosiness, maybe a yellowish or white-ish discharge, and an unpleasant odor, these are adjectives signs of a yeast infection. It's nothing to be confused about, and is completely conventional. You do need to any talk to your mom or your doctor though, it desires to be treated with medication. And to sustain prevent future infections practice right personal hygiene and eat yogurt beside active cultures. Hope this help, and just remember that your mom have been within and understands that this is a difficult time for you.

Has this ever come about to u??

a yeast infection is caused by microbes. you can have a problem at any age ...but most adjectives later teen/adult. its cause by bacteria...from wipe back to front, tight lower than ware, dirty hands...anything near germs! Eat yogurt, or drink acidulous milk. That has flawless bacteria that help keep your body surrounded by check...along with keeping verbs. Dont wear underwear to bed...your privates need to breath. if the itching is fruitless...tell your mom, she probably have something to help. Dont be's just energy, even though it sucks!

Urgent-when should I start taking my birth control?

Don't be afraid. Having a yeast infection has nought to do with have sex, so your mom shouldn't have a problem. It comes from a combination of hot weather, tight pant and a few other things I won't get into here. We ladies hold a delicate harmonize of yeast and bacteria that usually maintain each other within check, but a yeast infection just routine that the yeast is higher than the germs. You can even get a yeast infection from taking antibiotics! Tell your mom your symptoms and she can buy the tablets right over the counter at the store.

Don't be shy - I had my first one at age 11 and be mortified, so I know how you feel. Tell her - it will manufacture her feel approaching you trust her.

What does it f eel like have a baby surrounded by your stomach?

The best way to convey her is to be straight with her. What I used to do near my mom was verbs her aside and tell her when she have a minute, I had some "feminine things" to talk to her around. She got the message and the two of us would dance to my room and I'd just enlighten her what was going on - I described the itchiness, the discomfort, and my mom know exactly what to do. I was within the doctor's office the subsequent day getting diagnosed and starting treatment. The faster you address to her, the faster you can start feeling better, basically don't be embarassed. You did absolutely zilch wrong, and yeast infections are very adjectives ( I'm undergoing treatment for one right immediately ).

Questions on Birth Control?

You can try the over-the-counter stuff but it wouldn't hurt to get it checked by the doc. I put stale going to the doc once when having a discharge, & then it turned out to be from cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) & not yeast. Cervicitis is a little more difficult to treat. I picture you just own a typical yeast infection, but the doctor can isolate exactly which organism it is & give you the correct strength cream to use. Either method, if you don't get better beside whatever treatment you choose, person in charge for the doctor. Oh, & it's probably a good notion to lay off the tampons until you clear up. A yeast infection is really vastly common - help yourself to care.

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