I have missed my length for the pass 7days and i don't own any symptoms ,usually when will this symptoms star


I cannot Believe my Eyes?

No guarantee you are pregnant, unless you've taken a pregnancy test and it say so. And every woman is different - so your symptoms may take 4-6 weeks.

I go to college with a woman who have been lacking her period for several years. It be some sort of medical condition that she developed late contained by her teens.

I had suddle modification in my end mammogram compared to one I had done 2 years ago.?

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Could It Be Likely That I Have Re-curring Toxic Shock Syndrone?

how outmoded are you
but i think that you are pregnant if you made love next to your husband not so far ago

I'm worried, please answer?

10 days after due date, go for a simple urine pregnancy test to know positive or cynical. The symptoms will start aftera month if positive.

I am stuck?

If not pregnancy , may have suppressed due mental/ stimulating imbalance
Eat lots papaya fruit for two three days
a homeopathy medicine ... Jonosia asoka -- mother tinture 10 drops in two spoon hose down thrice day for few day
single dose of 5/6 sugar pills for three day
even both will cure suppressed condition and restore normacy

First time at the geinacologists and I'm extremely timid..?

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