Is it unpromising to drink chocolate when you're on your spell?

My aunts and friends say that it is.but can someone communicate me why?

Answers:    well lately u gain a bit of weight while on ur term due to water tautness and if u are to eat lot of chocolate that will in recent times bundle on top so u gain alot more weight
if u want to own chocolate then u can alongest it is surrounded by small portions
other then achievement weight from cast-offs food NO chocolate is not bad on your time of year as a matter of certainty it tends to unperturbed a lot of womens hormones down within that time yes, it turns your period chocolately brown.
I can't see why it's doomed to failure for you..I always crave it when I own my monthly.. So do most women. I've never heard that! There's no source why your period should own any effect on whether you can eat chocolate. In reality some people vote it's a great thing to devour cos it makes you ecstatic so will beat PMS plus cheer you up if you enjoy stomach cramps. X
No, it's the opposite. Period might low down your blood sugar, chocolate raise your blood sugar ;) i've heard it can spawn cramps worse. chocolate contains small amounts of caffeine. see if it makes you have a feeling better or worse. then you'll know for yourself.
Another out-of-date wives tale!

Just don't chomp through too much or you will find you are gaining immensity that's all.
No its not. Lol:p I other do and I never get cramps or anything adn I definetly do not gain cargo. Mybe its because I was born with ease thin and other have. I hold a high metabolism and I never diet and basically eat cast-offs food . lol:p So im not exactly sure. But its not bad , because it dosnt do anything to me.Good luck! hey buddie answer my grill aND add me for your fan list and how i suppose to know ask the doctor by the course im a boy if you want to really know call 202-589-1255

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