Do people shave down in attendance?

are women suppose to shave down there? do guys approaching it if women shave or not?

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Women aren't SUPPOSED to shave anything. Its a matter of personal choice because its a thing of PERSONAL GROOMING.

I personally shave my pubic region because I similar to it that way, not because my husband requirements me to or requires that I do so. He does like it, but I be doing it LONG before I get married.

How much does it hurt to get your genitals pierced? Please one and only answer if you know!?

It's a personal choice. Lots of guys like it.

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i sure do..

largely cause mortal furry is gross

What is the ob/gyn? i am 16?

It is a personal choice but most men do like it shaved.


yes relations shave down there

Late spell not pregnant..?

women are supposed to shave there... and guys love it... keep the hair out of your mouth!

Fertile times?

i do cus the bush is lately so annoying and makes me touch dirty

Sex with prostitute?

I infer so. Hair = gross.

Ok ladiesanyone else get weepy during PMS?

I use to work as a feminine Correctional Officer and I can say I hold seen adjectives styles of shaved hair down here. Part shaved all shaved, spot shaved you mark it. People do the darnest things even down there. There be times that I would just influence "How in the heck did you do that" And they would prouldly transmit me. Mind you this was when they be being dressed surrounded by after being arrested. But most of the time I saw no hackle.....

Please help me?

A lot of nation I know do. I have once but I really did not approaching it completely bald. LOL. A lot of my friends gain theirs professionally done, but that would depend on the person. Some associates would not be comfortable in this position. I consider it looks better though, personally. If you do wish to do it, don't go against the small piece. :)

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whatever u do, dont shave it. bring it waxed professionally. if u want it all sour, get a brazilian bikini wax. it depends on the guy, i guess.

Are pantyliners undamaging?

You can shave down there. It will probably product most guys stiffer than a dead man, but that's the price you will own to pay.

I assume im gonna have my extent when I have my surgery?

Yes, my girl does it and it make going down there more pleasing for me. NO guy wants pubic hair in their mouth

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