How can you make yourselfpee plentifully?!?!?

How? Besides drinking a bunch of water contained by a short period of time?

Questions something like Depo Shot? (details)?


I had unprotected sex?

coffee is a diuretic

Girls please..?

There is solely one reason society need to constantly pee and that's usually because of drug conducting tests.
Not suggesting that's the case.

Birth control pill grill?

drink lots of beer...

My sis Had a C-section AND?

if you are trying to pee alot because of a drug test in attendance are pills and or drinks you can buy to flush out your system


Drink a lot of tea!
That will do the trick!

Tired of self a virgin?

Caffeine is a diuretic - makes you pee.
Peeing plentifully isn't going to help near a drugs test. It's within your organs, and in your blood, and will hold on to showing up in your urine for ages.

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