Is the inner lip of a vagina suppose to be smooth or is it okay for it to consistency close to its rough?

the inner lip of my vagina doesnt feel really smooth is it suppose to? or is it okay for it to discern rough? I am not sexually active.

Answers:    Does this hurt? If so, you should manifestly see a gynecologist. If not, I wouldn't worry around it. Everyone's skin is different, even in the most sensitive areas.
Sounds dry... Maybe not satisfactory discharge to moisten it? Vagina moistens itself only underneath the condition when it is stimulated and u are saying that u are not so its majority . For quick experiment , insert a finger down at hand and feel it , in five minutes if u feel drizzly its ok otherwise u r not feeling it !
If it's be their for a while and isn't sore, hasn't spread, doesn't smell, etc., I doubt it's anything to worry nearly. You can check with a doctor or gynecologist if it's seriously worrying you.

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