
Hey I'm only 14 and I'm worried incase I'm a lesbian! I don't want to be but my guru in college is my favouritest teacher and I'm upset incase she leaves... I other think nearly her... But I think it's newly that I'm looking for attention cause I fancie a few boy teacher! Please help out gratitude... I can't imagine myself as a lesbian!

I dont conjecture I'm preg. so what's goin on?

Don't worry. It's completely everyday for young folks your age to idolize inhabitants of the same sex, to become obessed beside the wonder of their own gender. It's cog of puberty.

That should change within a few years. Don't worry in the order of it. You can keep looking for positive role models of women you want to be close to - a little section of same sex attraction is necessary for a conventional person to develop. Cool it.

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I don't think that would brand you a lesbian. You are probably bisexual or bicurious.

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that's something you own to figure out yourself, you could be bisexual any way who care it's your life be what ya want

Im a bit confused?

oh dear lately get an rearing and forget who your gonna be having sex next to for now

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no you dont sound close to a lesbian to me! dont worry

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mybe your bi. nothign bad more or less it.

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Just because you think in the order of that teacher doesnt stingy that you are lesbian it just scheme that you think the style of that teacher teaching is apt and you like it .

Asking females?

WHAT THE HECK? y are you even looking at teacher try and go look for a bunch of cute guys your age powerfully lets see if your friends suppose guys are cute and u always read aloud no u might be bi or lez just do what u want...

Girls one and only?

your not a lesbian its just a crush you will grow out of it and if you are a lesbian that's OK too as they are great general public too
good luck contained by the journey of energy...

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Um, usually to be lesbian, you own to like enjoy a physical and total mental attraction to only chicks and no attraction to boys contained by that manner. However, it is possible you're Bi-sexual or it's even more possible that you're merely young and missing your professor a little bit because she care about you surrounded by someway. Perhaps you're getting a friendship love mixed up with romanticism. Don't verbs about person lesbian, just follow your heart and you'll know the answer for sure. Deep down you know whether you're lesbian or not. If you are, near is no shame.

This is for woman please?

Many girls have crushes on other women however they are totally straight. It's normal. You are somewhat young to fully explore your sexuality but if you following realize that you are a lesbian or bisexual, it is not something you should be ashamed of.

Birth control?

You're probably not a lesbian. You're just 14. It happen to most of us girls at some point, we get crushes on girls/women we look up to or who we aspire to be. It fade as you get elder! x

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Just because you think in the order of someone of the same sex profoundly does not make you gay, i would articulate that you obviously hold a great deal of respect for her and that if she be to leave you would undoubtedly miss her but that would be like peas in a pod if it were a close friend, stop worrying it's average to feel that style.

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Just a normal member of growing up, nothing to verbs about!! Don't verbs about your sexuality, lately enjoy life span, you are what you are, and will be what you will be.

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it's natural at your age to own crushes on both males & females around you.
in time they will go past.
try not to be stuck thinking you're lesbian or not lesbian, at your age, if you can't imagine that you are, you probably aren't.
it's adjectives perfectly usual to feel similar to you do & worrying about it will one and only make it worse.
it's basically a crush, it'll pass.

Please support me~~~~!! (girl question)?

the problem you have m'dear -- is a bleak case of -- infatuation !
nil sinister about it --- and don't deliberate you should dwell on it .
it will indeed pass --- and it doesn't trademark you bi or a lesbian
take concern and good luck contained by life

Lightheaded,dizzy and brown discharge ??

1, it's alright at hand is nothing wrong beside being a lesbian.
2, teenagers progress through phases sometimes and think they are straight/bi/lesbian.
3, sometimes you assume you have a crush on techer but it is only just because they are an authoritve figure.
4, you only have to enjoy patience you will finaly work out what sexuality you are and you will eventually be comfortable beside it

i thought i was a lesbisan when i be 14 for a while but then realised i be becoming sexualy attracted to males and i now hold a boyfirend who i love.

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Don't worry.Your sexual proclivities own not yet be decided.It is untaught to have a first choice teacher as it is a singer or a motion picture star.The teacher could be of any sex but all it medium is that person and their rule methods are what suit you.Your hormones are beginning to work and over the subsequent couple of years you will develop both physically but also mentally.Your ideas of friendships beside friends of both sexes will change a bit as you grow and you will see boys,and perhaps girls,contained by a different light.It is adjectives part of growing up and it can be an exciting experience.Be sensible and follow your instincts and the guidance that your parents and family unit give you and you won't turn far wrong.

I had my regular interval but then started bleeding a hours of daylight after i was done.i would resembling to know why ?

dont worry, its inborn for school girls to hold crushes on female teacher, i did too, that was various many years ago, im surrounded by myh 50,s now, but i have the same sort of crush on my feminine music teacher!! and as i enjoy been gladly married for twenty odd years you can bring it from me. im no lesbian either. xx

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taht doesnt indicate you are a lesbian, feeling for other females doesnt product u a lebian only thinking of them sexually will clear u a lesbian. and if u do think of her sexually next u are bisexual, and there is certainly nothing wrong next to that sweetie.

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At fourteen I construe it's normal to enjoy questions and worries nearly our sexuality. I know I did. It isn't abnormal to wonder around that and to even explore it somewhat with a womanly friend maybe indirectly. I guess that's in recent times part of research who we are. You probably just own a real fondness for your womanly teacher because she fill some kind of thrilling need that you own, like foreboding nurtured or cared nearly. Don't feel desperate about these inner health and don't draw any conclusions from them. The feelings you're have are normal for your age, and only a part of exploring your own sexuality. Time will make clear to, but I have a sense you're not.

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14 is the classical age for sexual confusion. Your hormones are of late kicking in! Just wait and see how things shape up over the subsequent year or too. I don't wish to seem to be patronising but I am afraid the fact is this may in good health just be a fundamentally typical school girl crush.

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Get an lessons and don't worry almost being a lesbian. Lesbian is of late something that someone came up next to and everyone is running away with. Don't put that mess contained by your head. Go to university, get an instruction, and be all that you can be. It's not average to be wondering about those things so don't agree to these people on here convey you that garbage. You are 14 years antediluvian. I have other liked my feminine teachers over males because I feel that I could relate to them better. I'm not a lesbian. I've had a boyfriend for 5 years and I haven't tolerate my mind wondered about that any. God has so much within store for you so do his will and you will be blessed. Stay in courage Sweetie and in recent times do you.

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no maybe its lately a faze your going through when your 14 you don't know what you really want you just similar to your teacher so much that you don't want to lose her moral luck

This is mostly for woman to answer!?

I want to boink female teacher too, dow that make me a thlezbian?

Really upset?

Its okay to be curious, lots of children have penchant teachers and it doesn't business if they are male or feminine. You say you fancy a few of the boys, which scheme your deffinatly NOT a lesbian. However, you could be bisexual which I think is unlikely even so. Bi sexual is when you like boys and girls. A lot of girls look at other girls and say-so "Wow, shes so beautiful!" and some girls even snog eachother - that doesn't necesarily trade name them lesbians or bi sexual though. Even if you do turn out to be bi sexual, don't worry, in attendance are plenty of others in matching boat. You need to look at the professor and decide what it is you approaching about her - do you have a sneaking suspicion that about her because of the opening she looks or is she just nice and not strict?

appropriate care
best wishes x

I've been on my time of year for 13 days this month?

Ur only 14 so dont verbs its jus wat u go thro wen ur at that age i know everyone say it and u myt not wanna hear it agen but its true, alot of wat ur feeling is esteem and respect 4 ur teacher..ur not looking 4 attention u only have alot of reverence 4 different teachers,
Im not the best example but i used 2 fancy my teacher at 14 but that was cos i be young. but it doesnt fine u as a lesbian or bi or anything..im gay very soon n i know im gay cos its only ever be women n girls ive fancied and theres an underlying connection, whereas near men i dont feel anything!

Answer this interrogate pls?

most people ur age enjoy this issue, u just dont know it cos they dont close to to mention it. dont worry, if u dont want to be lesbian later ur not! just present urself time, be careful and things will work themselves out. dont travel jumping into have sex just because u want to prove ur straight. and dont verbs about wot other relations might think, its ur duration, not theirs

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The more you keep thinking more or less being a lesbian, after the more it will inspire you to be 1.
Just take your mind stale it, try and get a boyfriend.

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you resembling this teacher as a mother not a lover dont worrry

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