Help me please it is crucial!?

Look i know i did something stupid but please try to see from my point.Look im worried because me and my girlfriend had sex on a light of day of her period it be her second or third day i suppose and we just lost control and did it...yea i know its yucky and unpromising but we got carried away cuz we havent see each other and she is also on a birth control she said it be the second best one and there be a 99.9 or something change that she wasn't gunna find pregnat and i was worried but are those the numbers? cuz im really worried if anything i obligation some rensurance

anything will help
thank you so much!

Depression or menopause?/?/?

theres no chance of her getting pregnant because shes already discharging the buildup of blood and tissue on the uterus wall that method another egg wont come out until the next cycle

Can anyone report on anxiety/panic attacks associated beside use of the Nuvaring birth control?

She is most likely not pregnant. I don't know if the percentage is 99.9 percent but I would utter that it is somewhere over 95 percent effective..

How can i get my boobs smaller?

well birth control does narrow the likelihood down..and im guessing you didnt use a your chances are pretty high-ranking yes

Hope it all works out for the best!

Swimming and tampons?

During her interval and she is on the pill....she is not're over worrying.

Does your wee eva smell of sugar puffs,?

chances are if shes on any type of birth control that shes not pregnant. u guys should be ok.

When my b/f and I have sex, I hurt afterwards, possibly not for a day or two?

As long as she be taking her pills she should be ok. Also at this time it is pretty impossible for her to get pregnant because the inside layer that is designed to nourish the tot is shedding. So no worries. I'm 100% convinced that she could not have gotten pregnant while have sex during her period.

I hold an eggy odor coming from my vagina when i use the restroom and my urine is cloudy> what could this be?

don't worry. when a girl is have their period, the prospect of getting pregnant is the lowest because the body is flushing out the egg. the most likely time to receive pregnant is when you're ovulating, which is before the interval. there is still some occasion that she got pregnant, but if she be on birth control pills it should be perfectly fine

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