Help if you own experienced...I have a concern roughly speaking my menstrual cycle?
I have intercourse May 18th and I bled a lot, what seem to be a days worth of a regular period contained by the time frame of 4 hours.In the blood there be small fragments i didnt have cramps newly bled. It stopped and was fine.
Then in May 24th i bled a tiny amount for going on for 25 minutes.
Now i had intercoure ultimate night and bled again, i thought perchance it was an hasty period since yesterday be the 3rd and i get it the 5th.After 20 min it stopped.
I hold no idea what is going on.i dont knwo if i'm pregnant or if my cycle is adjectives wacko or what.
anyone ever experience anything like this?
or enjoy any idea?
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Again here are numerous reasons why a individual can be bleeding between periods. My counsel is to check with your gynecologist. The certainty that you had a miscarriage can also be a lead to for greater concern. Check your doctor jus to make sure adjectives is well.
Girls kinda personal girl q. I dont own a mom so I have to ask girls on here?
I enjoy experienced periods that stop, next start, but nothing to the extent that you are describing.I would patently talk to my ob/gyn- clearly something irregular is going on, and you will surface so much better once you understand what it is.
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