Yeast Infection?

my question is... How do you know if you hold yeast infection. yes it itches down there and nearby is discharged... secondly is it sexual transmitted and is there a cure. does it occure again ... back please!! it tches like barmy my doctors apointment is till tuesday

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You may want to gain the Vagisil Screening Kit. It lets you know if it's a yeast infection or a bacterial infection that requires a doctor's drop by. It runs for about $15.00 for 2 testers. If it is a yeast infection, Vagisil also offer wipes and cremes to stop irritation.

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You can several different OTC remedies for vaginal yeast infections. Just go to your drug store.

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I don't know more or less there, but here you can buy cures over the counter at the pharmacy. Like Canestan pessaries and Clotrimaderm. Try asking for those, you may know how to avoid the doctor. Yes, you can pass the infection onto your partner, but a simple cream will clears his up.

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A yeast infection is not sexually transmitted but if your partner has it he could slip away it back to youl. Second the discharge is clumpy approaching cottage cheese and yes it itches. Do NOT wait till Tuesday to achieve it checked out. Go to urgent care in a minute and get checked to find out what it is. Left untreated some infections can spread and impose pelvic inflammatory disease so go to urgent diligence now. Also if it is a yeast infection you can hold them lots of times. Athletes foot is a yeast infection, thrush is a yeast infection, C-diff is a yeast infection.

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I am going to guess this is your first one, it itches, burns, discharge, make you want to crawl out of your skin!! of course nearby is a cure, mostly over the counter stuff but there is a perscription pill that works wonders! Its gone in 24 hours. Not sexually transmitted although it can be passed to your partner after you have one. they can be reoccuring so cause sure you use the medicine even when you conjecture it is gone for a day or two.

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first you entail to determine if it is yeast, yeast infection normally hold white to light sickly discharge, also accompanied near cottage cheese like discharge, oder is bread close to or yeast like, if discharge have foul oder like fish or other revolting spell it could be bacterial or viral infection if you determine yeast simple home solution em for details!

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If it looks approaching cottage cheese then it can be a yeast infection and I would turn to the store and get monistat...but if it is a clear discharge...consequently it could be vaginitis...which is an infection that you have to bring back a prescribtion I agree that you need to be in motion to a doctor...but be careful something like an urgent care only because they misdiagonised me when I had vaginitis and it took a while to draw from it cleared go see an OBGYN ASAP...righteous luck...I know your pain

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