Ladies, how can you tell when you're nearly to have your first interval? Any signs?

Are there any signs that will take place about 1 week to a light of day before your first length?

Thanks, much appriciated! =D


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the biggest indicator is, you'll probably get some cramps lower on your belly, maybe within your lower back. these cramps aren't similar to a muscle cramp, i can't really describe them, but they're pretty distinctive. when i have my length, i just perceive FAT, which is water counterweight, or bloating. your stomach might feel bigger & you might gain 2 or 3 pounds. your breasts will probably be really sore. for my cycle, i draw from really bad PMS roughly 3 or 4 days before my length actually starts. here's a pretty accurate site, to tell you what to expect.

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oh well you draw from really itchy thats week sight

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tender breast, bloating, cramping, mood swings, some folks crave chocolate or potatoes, there are other symptoms too but I can't deliberate of them

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I dont know every body is different. For me I had no signs until afterward. But if you assume your about to start inform your parents or put on a pad or tampon. You can also stir to the doctor they can usually tell you

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If u are around 12 or 13 you will notice discharge and discomfort surrounded by your lower area.. Get prepared and know eggs will start dropping and you can receive pregnant so stay away from sex so you dont get into trouble.

How much does a interval suck? Except for the bleeding what else happens?

ummm PMS? i gain moody! fun fun fun!

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I don’t achieve any symptoms before, during or after. It a moment ago shows up like and uninvited guest. Everyone is different and your symptoms can vary.

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Well, for my unbelievably first period, I be sick a whole sunshine before I get it. I was vomitting adjectives day and fancy really ill. The subsequent day I have my period.

Whats wrong next to my breasts?

when i had my first length there be NO warning signs at adjectives

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