Can I douche at the conclusion of a yeast infection treatment?

Today or tomorrow will be the end of the 3-5 days that you enjoy to wait after taking the prescription. Now am I supposed to douche afterwards? Whats a moral substitute for a douche?

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Only ever douche if you enjoy been specifically informed to do so by a doctor or if you hold a good explanation of douching methods and vaginal health yourself.

Douching is desperate for vaginal health for a few reason;

-Douching can force bacteria further up in the vagina that may lead to further infection and risking Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

-Douching can incentive irritation and inflammation of the vaginal tissue, which increases risk of STD's and HIV.

-Douching in washing away vaginal discharge leaves the vagina lacking natural lubricants designation that the vagina can become dry, irritated and the walls can split.

-Douching can cause infection by disrupting the instinctive balance of microbes and yeast within the vagina that can front to infections or further complicate infections.

-Douching flushes away discharge which is part of the vaginas self-defence functions, and as such the vagina cannot re-balance or flush out excess yeast or 'bleak' bacteria.

There are option for douching such as herbal douches, tea tree oil and plain wet solution douching that do not have impossible to tell apart negative effect on vaginal pH, however for the most chunk douching is bad for vaginal strength.

If the treatment you were given have not worked then any go put a bet on to your doctor for further treatment or use home treatment methods such as tea tree oil or hydrogen peroxide. I would also recommend looking at possible cause for the yeast infection such as how you wash yourself, menstrual option you use, or general vigour. The following web site have a few ideas for home treatment methods that are out of danger and effective -

The vagina is self-cleaning; it requirements nothing from you but plain river to stay clean and treatment if you go and get an infection.

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I don't approaching douche,and I think you should loaf

Girls please help me?!?

don't douche, it's not really good. Just eat closely of yogurt or rub some plain unflavored yogurt on you vag.

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douching causes bacterial vaginosis, which is far more bothersome than yeast. DO NOT DOUCHE-NEVER, NEVER, NEVER. the vagina is a self cleaning organ; in that is no need for you to douche at adjectives, ever. therefore, no substitutions any. I would also stay away from soaps, sprays and washes surrounded by that area unless you want to go and get into the cycle of recurring bacterial infections

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Douching is really not healthy. It dries you up and surrounded by some cases, causes yeast infections again or sometimes stuff worse. Only douch if it is strickly given by doctor. Whoever come up with these over the counter douches be not really smart cause they produce my harm consequently good.

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I don't recommend douching, you will disturb the natural flora contained by your vagina that you're trying to rebuilt. If, you are sexually helpful, make sure your partner get treated for yeast infection, otherwise you will re-infect each other.

My best friend refuse to have sex minus a shirt on has anyone else have this issue and gotten past it?

yes douching is ok

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