Can you exercise while have your period? Do you own to wear a tampon?

Can I still do cheerleading if I have my time? Can I wear a pad? or do I hold to wear a tampon?

When should I put the tampon in?

Of course you can exercise near your period. Excerise can even diminish your cramps, so don't permit them stop you. Wear what you feel comfortable next to, depending on how heavy your flow is. Wearing a tampon is probably a correct idea if your flow is brawny since you'll be moving around a lot. Don't be afraid of wearing a tampon. Talk to a doctor or a more experienced woman if you enjoy any questions or conerns more or less them.

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If your flow is light you can go and get away with freshly a tampon and maybe a panty liner too for extra protection. If you flow is a bit heavier a tampon + wipe would be the way to walk. Don't let your interval hold you back.

Question around hair removal creams?

it really depends on your flow and what you prefer.:)

Birth control pill emergency?

You can do doesn`t matter what you want just as long as you be aware of up to it (no cramps or anything). And yeah a tampon probably is the way to turn.

How big are women's breasts when their 18 yrs. old?

Don't tolerate your period hold you rear from doing what you want
cheerleading is alot of jumping around so wear a tampon and any a panty liner or a pad freshly in shield

Does it mean anything if two or three days after i have sex i had my term early be going to anything?

well i would suggest a tampon!! u dont have 2 wear one but if u dont want your term to be noticable then try tampons!! belive me once you try them u will never move about back 2 pad... try tampax pearl they are great and u cant even feel them when u insert them correctly!! :0 and yes u can do adjectives activitys on your period!! but tampons are better for cheerleading.. im a tennis player and ive used a wad when playing its not plesent!! so give tampons a try!

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