I have my time of year 24/7?

I'm 21 years old and i hold been have my period 24/7 for a year presently. I don't know why but I'm just very soon getting nervous. I'm not suffering from any other symptoms. I own Diabetes could that be why? Or maybe from individual overweight? I'm getting a Pap in a couple of weeks I'm just trying to be a short time less timid about it. What do you regard as is wrong?


Is the second pregencey easyer than the first?

It's definitely not common to have your spell constantly. Don't wait a couple weeks to be checked out, stir now.

Can person stressed cause menstrual cramps to be worse?

WHAT!? you own been bleeding 24/7?! for ONE FULL YEAR? honey you inevitability medical attention! thats not NORMAL! im sorry but, you are bleeding ALOT!

Birth control?

Sounds like a hormone inequality.

Girls Only Pleaze!?

hope u come out o.k.

I was told that a week after have sex a females vagina would go stern to normal. True or not?!?!?

I don't know what might be wrong. But a friend of mine have the same problem and they put her on birth control because it regulates your term. She is otherwise fine and actually when she be ready to enjoy a baby, get off the pill and she very soon has two babies!

Is it usual to not have a extent?

i dont know anyone with duplicate problem
you should get some oblige from a doctor or something

Pre natal vitamins?

that is not good for to be bleeding adjectives the time =glad to see you are getting a pap test done =no, diabetes doesn't result in it

Do I look fat?

if you are on the depo shot that could be why..

Is it bleak to sleep without using a pillow?

I'm no expert (obviously) but it's probably from anyone overweight. No offense. It depends on how overweight you really are? I'd talk to a doctor in the region of this, not ask questions online,love (:

Whats wrong near me!?

i had matching problem about 2 years ago and when i go to the dr he diagnosed me with PCOS and put me on bc which regulated my term and havent had problems since. i too am overweight and im borderline diabetic and thyroid problems but everything is dutiful now. regular period thank goodness..best of luck to u

Will it run away soon?

it sounds like you may enjoy pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome) here are some symtoms
-trouble losing weight
-irregular periods
-incelin resistance that can cause diabetes
-and much more

Taking a preg. examination to early?

It is a hormone problem, most predictable. This happened to me for 4 months. PLEASE see the doctor straight away. You will be put on either birth control or hormone replacement psychiatric help. I was put on a slew of medication, among them: Actose, Glucophage, Feosol, Progesterone, and Ortho-Tri-Cyclin. It is VERY important that you shift to the doctor because if you let this verbs, you will need blood transfusions as the body is losing too much blood and you may become pretty weak. Get your thyroid checked and if to be exact clear, your doctor will tell you to hold an ultrasound to check for cysts. My problem fixed itself after several months of these medications and presently I am regular. Best of luck to you!

Emgergency! ladies only!?

A friend of mine (who be your age too) had her period constantly. It drove her nuts until her doc put her on the oral contraceptive pill to settle her cycle. I think it is more adjectives than you think. It's a apposite idea you re seeing your doctor, they'll know what to do. Try not to stress too much (I know its frozen cause I'm a BIG newborn when it comes to medical stuff) but stressing causes my period to be heavier and last longer. Have a look at the website below - might support clear things up for you. Good luck!

If a female squirts during sex does that miserable she having an organism?

hello ive have my period too for ever it seem it wont stop except for a couple days i too am very over counterweight i quit smoking and retired at the same time and gain 150 lbs now i cant breath to hike ablock i hope someone out there can oblige us with some info gratefulness for all the relieve

Is true that if you take sleeping pills earlier u get ur bp done it will temp shift down?

Being overweight throws your hormones out of whack, which might cause irregular cycles. If that's the luggage, getting on birth control will probably even things out for you.

Bleeding 24/7 for a year is not normal, and can organize to a number of strength problems - anemia, fainting, shock, etc. Definitely check near your doctor to rule out any serious health problems.

When i shave my "bikini area" i other get red bumps that later about 2 days, how can i stop this?


Birth control problem.?

There is alot of item that could effect your period. # 1 are you on birth control or any other kind of med. This could effect your period.#2 A physical or central illness can also affect your extent. Like your diabetes. #3 stress can also pllay a big role in your spell. If you are under alot of stress it can metamorphosis your periond. What you need to do is communicate to you doctor in lay down to fix this problem

Help in girls puberty?

Why didn't you jump in 11 months ago? That is not ordinary at all!! Go see a doctor, NOW!!

What does it parsimonious when a woman says her cherry have dropped?

This is not normal and could explanation you to be very anemic and run down. As a diabetic, you could progress into shock. PLEASE, PLEASE tell your doctor right away that this is occuring.

How long befores a birth control pill is considered 'missed'?

My sister in regulation had that and you should budge to the doctor and get it fixed ..a worthy way to catch rid of it is birth control ..it has something to do next to ovarian cysts ...

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