Urine is bright sickly and has a strong urine smell what does this penny-pinching?

My normal urine isnt other bright yellow nor does it enjoy the strong urine smell... is there a problem ?

Tired adjectives the time?

I went to my doctor and she told me that when your urine is resembling that it means that you are parched so try drinking lots of water it should aid. Thats what I did and it worked. But if it persists I presume you should ask your doctor

Help;( pimple on vagina?

Drink more water, seem like you are not resourcefully hydrated.

Best way to capture rid of underarm hair.?

no you are newly becoming a wolf thats all

Period or infection?

infection dance to the doc and get one of those cups to pee within then they will look at it and see if its everyday

Diarrhea before length?

Have you ate asparagus lately? This vegetable is know to cause this.

Weird Menstrual symptoms?

Just drink some sea.

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Are you taking any multi vitamins or dietary supplements? A strong urine smell usually funds an increased concentration of water soluble vitamins or a decrease concentration of water. The bright washed out color usually means an increased concentration of river soluble vitamins. A dehydrated or decrease concentrate water contained by the urine is a darker color. So, put one and one together, I suggest that you are urinating out an increased amount of vitamins, maybe from a decrease amount of them being spellbound or an increased amount being ingested.

My girlfriend hasn't have her period surrounded by 6 months and she says she have lost her sex drive.Anybody have an answer

Best article to do is drink more water, and try ur best to hold on to clean down here Hope that helped

What could be wrong next to me?

You are dehydrated! Drink sea and Pedialite. I know that its a baby drink however it have electrolytes in it that will support you get rehydrated. Try to avoid anything soda, coffe, anything beside caffine untill your body gets hydrated.

I stipulation help beside a SERIOUS issue.women only plz?

I would suggest drinking more wet.

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B vitamins can raison d`ĂȘtre the bright color if you're using supplements but I'm not sure about the odor. I agree though, drink some river.

Is it possible?

drink more healthy fluids approaching water and liquid! cut back on sodas dash drinks and alchol!

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you have a uti (urinary tract infection). drink cranberry liquid and it should clear up, just to be on the undamaging side you may want to have your doctor hand over you a urine test to be sure

Any feedback from empire who had Cryotherapy done for the cervix?

Urine will be bright pallid if you are taking vitamin and mineral supplements, it will also have a distinct smell.

I cultured that dark washed out urine is due to not getting enough wet. Of course, if you're really worried ask your doctor.

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If you are well hydrated afterwards your urine will not be bright yellow nor will it enjoy a strong odour. So you are probably just hydrated! As you should be. If you are dehydated consequently it will be yellow and smell strongly.

Ladies: What enjoy you tried? Help!?

Color and smell is dependant on:
1. How long it has be residing in the bladder.
2. How much water or other fluids you are comsuming.
3. Amount of vitamins in or not in your urine.

All this is just about is your diet and drinking habits. The brighter color ashen it is, the more concentrated the waste fluid is. Meaning, if in that is more used vitamins vs. water- then it will be stronger. If you drink more dampen, then you are dilouting this concentration making it lighter in color.

That's adjectives, very simple body since.

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