Pre natal vitamins?

is it true that women use these when they're not pregnant for healthy skin and forceful hair/nail growth? also, can these be used with birth control pills if NOT pregnant?

Does have a bloated uterus affect pregnancy chances?

I don't have an idea that there's any risk of injure involved--and it does make sense that it would abet the bones and teeth (extra calcium). It may additionally help the fleece and nails. Vitamins do not disagree near birth control pills--at least not as of final reading. Prenatal vitamins usually contain extra iron, as well, so you may involve to worry in the region of constipation--but just taking a stool softener, or even drinking extra marine will help near that.

Irregular Period?

Yes women, do take them when in that not pregnant. My Sister in-law was taking them, when she found out she be pregnant, and after loosing the baby, she still took them, and she say, her nails are stronger, her mane is shinier, and much thicker. Im not sure about taking them near birth control, pills, ask your doctor, but if not, here are other vitamins you can take that hold the same effect.

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